Diary 4

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The walls were heavier than the previous place I'd found, Thea, her apartment—the apartment she shares with him, one of my contractors. Regarding how fast I'd been approaching, my jumps were longer, as they'd been making remarkable distance, a little slower than I'd wished to be, but that didn't stop me. I knew what must be done. I knew that it would happen, that this time would be the closest when Ryuga or Mikan decided to wish again. Perhaps it was because I KNEW they were both weak at their brightest moment. Their brightest moment when they'd LEAST expect me. There was no us, only ME.

Demonic power is never stopped short of wanting to rely on others. I wasn't and will not be the only one. Looking at her prepared as she'd been planning, I kept my distance only so that I could watch from the bleachers, and even then, I knew that she was thinking about me. I knew she was; she'd even stopped herself to look at the curtains. My favorite hiding spot. I knew that she'd seen me. I even smiled, but she looked away. Yes, she did. No human looks at something like that and passes it off as nothing. I'm far beyond something that would only need to be looked at once and forgotten. No, if that were the case, why had I given up my humanity?

I had no choice, of course. I didn't.

As a human, I was dying. I was more than progressively dying; the constant headache and numbness all around my once mortal body. I knew that I must keep on. My anger as a mortal pushed me, too. And Thea? Mikan? She made me like this. And I wanted her to understand how grateful I was to be given the liberty of rebirth, with the new power to grant wishes.

And as for Ryuga Shirogane? All he needed was to ask, and I'd be there. I'll be there and grant him his wish and take whatever I think is needed.

Wishes take sacrifices, after all.

Green is Red

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