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wow sorry for the really late update but here have a really hot picture of michael


ellas pov

i rolled over, tangled in a mess of sheets.

honestly i couldn't stop making up different scenarios all last night, resulting in my lack of sleep. what did he mean by the great outdoors? sure i love nature and all but i can only stand it for like two hours... max. i also had only just met michael a few weeks ago so part of me was thinking, what if he was taking me outdoors to murder me?

i sat up and stretched letting out an inhumanly noise, i must say im quite attractive in the mornings.

i looked over at my clock which read 10:22 and this is where i start freaking out. i still have to shower and pick out my outfit, and eat, i can't go on a date without eating. i immediately jumped up and ran into the shower, mentally taking note on how atrocious my hair looked at the moment.

once i got out, i sat on my bed trying to think of what to wear, i got up and picked out a pair of regular denim shorts then again sat down in my bra and shorts trying to figure out what shirt to wear. i still didn't have a shirt on after ten minutes so i decided to just do my hair, i ended up letting in naturally dry into waves and then i pulled it back into a pony tail.
my phone buzzed in my pocket and it read

from mc: hey guess who's on there way! :-)

i started to panic. crap. he's on his way.
i grabbed the first shirt i could find which ended up being my sleepless green day shirt. i was lacing my black high tops up when the door bell rang.

i sprinted down the hall, almost running into the furniture, and took a deep breath.

i opened the door and my eyes went wide.

"michael... h-hi, what um what did you do?" i asked clearly shocked. "oh do you not like it" he asked putting his hand behind his neck. "no i-i love it, it looks awesome." i said looking at his newly dyed hair, it was a bright red, but it looked amazing on his head. i extended my arm to feel his hair. he swatted my hand away. "as much as id love for you to touch my hair, i worked hard on it, now are you ready?" he asked

"i guess so" i replied shutting the door behind me. "oh and by the way it's their" i said getting into his car.


michaels pov

"excuse me" i said, i was really confused "well you texted me and it said guess who's on th-e-r-e way" she said with a smirk. "oh" was all i could manage to say

she was pretty cocky i could tell already, and i loved it.

"so, i shall be taking you to a wonderful park today, my lady." i said keeping my eyes on the road. i glanced over at her and she was just smiling it was beautiful.

when we got there i parked and we both got out. we decided on a small trail that i knew would lead us to the ice cream bar.

"i must say i'm loving the green day shirt" i complimented her, i've only known ella for a short period of time but i have already fell in love with her, her looks her music taste her personality, everything

"michael- hello, earth to michael" she said waving her hand in front of my face snapping me out of my daydreams. "sorry" i muttered

as we were nearing the end of the trail, we had talked about everything possible, she is such an amazing person i love it.

"so the trail ends soon and i really wanted to ask you a question" i said, she raised her eyebrows in response.

"what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" i asked "wow by your tone i thought it would be a serious question, but if you must know, cookie dough." "nice choice" i replied "now look to your right" i instructed

her eyes lit up when she saw the ice cream shop sign, she squealed and ran inside. after ordering our ice cream, i payed like the gentleman i am, we walked back to the car.

"to be honest mike, im not in love with the outdoors but with you it was fun" she said.

and with that my heart swelled.

"why thank you very much" i tried to sound like it wasn't the best day ever "so we've only been out for about an hour, do you want to stop by my place?" i asked

she stayed quiet and i could tell she was debating wither or not to say yes.

"id love to, i want to see this basement that you spend all your days in" ella said smiling

the rest of the ride was silent, but not awkward, with the faint playing of Mayday Parade on the radio.

when we arrived back at my house i led her down to the basement and we settled very close together on the couch.

"i must say ella, i never expected to meet someone like you while getting my ears pierced... at claires." i said "also i have my very own green day shirt, but i have to admit, you wore it better."

she started to laugh and her cheeks acquired a rosy tint to them. i moved myself a little closer until we were side by side on the small couch. i collected myself and found the balls to start to lean in. her eyes dilated and i wasn't sure what emotion passed through her eyes. our breaths mixed, i leaned in just a litt-

"look at the time i really must be going" ella rushed and abruptly stood up, leaving me alone, shocked, and very confused in my tiny dark basement at 1:22


well look at that i updated... i didn't want to rush things so they won't be kissing... yet

oh and if you didn't realize i have a new luke story up, i took it over from another author, so if you feel up to it you can check it out... that would be coolio.

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