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i feel so sick but i updated because what else do you do when you're sick?


michaels pov

"so how long are you going to just stare at your phone like that?" ashton said looking over at me still laying on the floor.

"shut up" i whined, i quickly moved myself to the end of the couch, my phone still in my hand.

"do i ask her to meet up with just me, or do i ask if she wants to meet you guys, is that to soon, or do we just text, should i call, send an email?" i rambled on very confused.

ella was such a pretty girl, with a sweet voice, beautiful hair, eyes that just sparkled and she was short but a good size short, she probably ev-

"owwww" i screamed, my daydreaming was cut off by a pillow that collided with my ear.

"the stinging hasn't worn off yet, you idiot, i only got my ears pierced like a few hours ago" i said, sending ashton an evil look

ashton's eyes went wide "it wasn't me I swear." and calum put his hands up in defense.

"fuck you luke."

"hey i was just trying to help but you weren't listening... why don't you just text her and find out what she's doing tomorrow." luke told me

"just trying to help, blah blah blah," i mimicked him "...wait lucifer might have a good idea for once." i said as i started to sit up.

ok ok you can do this michael, your a man, a man, a big tough man. i gave myself a small pep talk before unlocking my phone.

"okay i added her number to my contacts." i sighed

"way to go mikey, you can do this man." calum encouraged me

i thought long and hard about what I was going to type

to ella from claires: hey ella!!!

i let out the breath i was holding in

"see man nothing to be nervous about." ashton told me

the guys left about 10 minutes later because it was starting to get pretty late. and now here i sit in my basement waiting for ella to respond.

from ella from claires: hello nameless stranger (because you have yet to tell me your name, all i have is super cute macho man...) and wow not just one or two exclamation points at the end of my name but three i guess i'm that special ;)

i could sense the thick sarcasm in her voice when i read it... honestly it made me smile

to ella from claires: well you are a pretty cool girl ;-)

from ella from claires: still have noooooooooo idea what you're name is ... and what's with the nose on you smiley face...

to ella from claires: *your

from ella from claires: excuse me don't go correcting my grammar because 1. you're not my english teacher and 2. i still have yet to learn your name

to ella from claires: thank you.

from ella from claires: what?

to ella from claires: you corrected the "you're"

from ella from claires: if i wasn't as sarcastic as you i would have blocked your number by now;)

to ella from claires: well I'm delighted you think of me like that ;-)

from ella from claires: again with the weird ass smiley faces... god you're so strange

to ella from claires: i find that to be a complement :-) but anywhoo... whatcha doing

from ella from claires: im studying... i literally have so many exams it's stressing me out... hbu stranger

to ella from claires: oh you know just hanging around in my basement and if you want i can help you destress ;)

from ella from claires: easy there tiger, i don't need your help for all I know you could be some axe murderer and you're laying around your basement? wow a dark, smelly, tiny basement how exciting

to ella from claires: i can sense the sarcasm young lady and would an axe murderer get his ears pierced at claires

from ella from claires: hey you never know :)

to ella from claires: well michael clifford doesn't he's a man

from ella from claires: wait who's that?

from ella from claires: OH! THATS YOU!!! :))))


i feel like this chapter was pretty badly written (ps this was not spell checked) but hey it's an update :)

vote and comment ily babes

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