-Love is a drug-

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You both went to bed after you got out of the shower and after you put clothes back on ofc and you both cuddled to sleep.

-time skip-

You wake up in the morning or what seems like it and you see Karl has. his arms wrapped around your waist and you smile and kiss his cheek and he. kisses you and opens his eyes and you kiss him back and he pulls away and says.

Karl: good morning

Y/n: good morning I'm gonna make some breakfast for us I'll be in the kitchen if you need me

He nodded and you get out of bed and you go to the kitchen and you started making. eggs and bacon and then you feel arms around your waist and you smile and you feel him kiss. down your neck and you blushed and he chuckled and he said.

Karl: you know what I actually want for breakfast is you

He says in your ear and your face became really red and then his phone. starts going off and he sighs and walks to it and answers it.

Karl: what do you want

You finish breakfast and you put them on plates and you watch. him talk and yell at who ever he's on the phone and he hangs. up by slamming the phone and he turns to you and says.

Karl: I have to go to a family meeting your welcome to come with

You nod and you go and put on the same outfit you had on and you walk out and he's. eating his food and you eat your food and you both go to the family meeting.

-time skip-

You guys arrive at mother Miranda's house and he knocks on the front. door and it opens and you both walk in and you walk down a hallway and you open. a big room with all of them sitting at a table and they see you too and Angie runs up to you and she says.

Angie: y/n!

Y/n: hi Angie

She asks for a hug and you give her one and she runs back to. Donna and you and Karl sit in two other seats and mother Miranda starts saying.

Mother Miranda: so why I asked for this meeting y/n has come back to us and since she has come back I would like her to join our family if that's ok with you y/n

Y/n: I would love too mother Miranda

Mother Miranda: that's good to hear now y/n we will have to inject you with cadou please come here child

You get up and walk to mother Miranda and you lift your sleeve up and she injects. you with it and after she dies you feel weird and you walk to. Karl and half way you stopped and he looked at you confused and you feel your four head and you say.

Y/n: I....I don't feel too good

You then fainted and he caught you and said

Karl: what the hell just happened

Mother Miranda: it started immediately but How....

Karl: y/n y/n y/n! Y/n!!!

Mother Miranda: will you shut up heisenberg she's fine!

He looks at her angrily and she sighs and she walks away and so does everyone. else and he just walks away holding you out of the place too and he. remembered you need more clothes and he thought of your house you told him about and he. started walking there and he eventually arrived there and he walks in the door and he walks upstairs and goes. to your room and he sets you on your bed and he gets a bag of your clothes and gets things he new you would. need and he grabbed you and the bag and some other stuff and he left and went to his house.

-time skip-

He arrived and he goes inside and sets you on yours and his bed and he. puts your stuff on the floor and he lays next to you and he cuddles you and falls asleep and he
He pulls you closer. to see if your heart is still beating and it was in fact beating and he sighs.with relief and he yawns and he lays his head down next to you and falls asleep.

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