Burning Alive

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I yelled as the hot metal bars started to burn my hands and feet. Beneath me, flames licked the iron bars suspending me. I could literally feel my skin blistering and and peeling away. I started to scream in pain until I looked at the wall facing me. It had a few missing bricks, which meant it was weak!

"ARGH!!" I yelled as I crawled over to it, the heat intense. I started hitting the wall with my shoulder, feeling them come loose. I heaved and hit it again, loosening it more. My hands and feet were about to be officially burned off if I didn't act fast. I screamed in pain as I hit the wall again, feeling bricks starting to drop away. With one last heave, I hit the wall as hard as I could and fell face-first on to the ground. I looked at my hands and feet. They were pretty bad, skin peeled off and blistered, and signs of second-degree burns visible. I cried in pain for a little bit and got up, trying to recover. I was drenched in sweat from being in the furnace.

"No! NO! You were mine!" I heard him yell in anger. Alright, where was I?

There was a door in front of me and I opened it. It was pitch black and I looked into the camcorder. There was a couple of sinks in the back. I walked over and drenched my hands and feet in the cold water for awhile, then got back up and went back outside, closing the door behind me. There was a door that was cracked open and had light streaming out of it, a dead guard sitting up against the wall next to it. I walked in and saw a door with a exit sign above it. I ran to it and pulled the doorknob.

Or at least tried to. I tried opening it, but it was surely locked. Damn. I noticed several chairs in a row in the darkness and saw that this is where they held church. There was a altar against the wall with a cross above it. I didn't linger around to check it out. I left the large room and went back out into the hallway. I saw a ladder leading up a wall, on top of the furnaces. I wasn't particularly fond of going back considering I almost was cooked to death, but I had no other choice.

I scaled the stairs and stood up. There was a dead patient here, which tells me he got to close to the flame; there was a hole next to him with fire coming out. Even above the furnaces it was hot. I looked up and saw a huge chunk of the ceiling above me was removed, so I jumped up, grabbing a hold of the edge, and hoisted myself up.

I walked past a huge metal barrel, which I guess is what the flames come from, and hopped on top of a box and lifted myself up on the next roof. I saw the a thin lining of metal was connected to the brick wall, and it led to my next way up. I backed my back against the wall and slowly shuffled my feet in rhythm, slowly but surely making progress. It was a long way down, so I did my best to look up. The lining was against the wall next to it, and I carefully transactioned on to it. Almost there.

I reached to my next point and walked along a wooden board, jumped up and continued. It slanted sharply to the right and I continued. I reached a open vent and I crawled in. I didn't have to go far as it dropped to the ground. I dropped down and landed on a stack of boxes. There was a doorway in front of me and lockers on either side of the wall. It was getting dark, so I turned the light on. I was starting to run low on battery, but I only had one battery left. If I ran out I was screwed.

I turned a corner and descended down a small flight of stairs. There were two doorways; one on my left and right. The left one was dark, so I took to the right one. I ran up two small flights of stairs and went through a doorway. The sound of a handsaw stopped me dead in my tracks. Chills ran down my spine. The cannibal hadn't given up yet.

There was a room to my left, but it was completely empty besides the garbage thrown around in the room. I continued down the hallway with caution, listening for footsteps or a handsaw. At the end of the hall were two doors. The right one was locked, so I went through the left one. SHRING SHRING SHRINGGGG! The handsaw split the silence, sounding closer. I was experiencing the feeling of being hunted down. There was a door in front of, and I went over to go open it, but stopped dead in my tracks I saw movement.

About three patients ran from down a hall, heaving for breath. "There! I told you it would be open! I told you."

"Keep moving Graham! We're almost out!" And then it was silent. They were gone. It was the two patients from earlier!

The door was boarded up and the other two rooms were empty, so I retraced my steps to the hallway that had the flights of stairs. I remembered that I didn't go down the hall that was dark. I turned the light back on and ran down it until it dead-ended. There was a battery next to a dead guard, so I picked it up and reloaded it, the light on my camcorder almost running out.

Where do I go now? I went back to the door where Graham and Cooper where running behind the door. I went back through the empty room with trash and noticed that I had missed a door near the back. I started to walk towards it when the sound of a handsaw started and the cannibal loomed in front of me.

"Come to me." I burst out of the room and flew down the hall, pushing past walls and jumping over trash. The sound of the handsaw never stopped going. I jumped down the flights of stairs and went into the dark hallway, hiding beside the dead guard, trying to catch my breath. I was breathing shallowly, trying to catch my breath but also trying to listen for the cannibal.

When I couldn't hear the handsaw, I carefully started my way back to the room. I went through the door where he appeared and went left, down a new hallway. Moonlight was streaming out onto the floor and walls from the windows. I walked over a mattress that was drenched in blood. I started to walk down the hallway, glancing out the windows, seeing nothing but the grayness of moonlight. I was soon standing at a doorway when I jerked my head left to the sound of a door opening. "You can't hide. Meat. Lonely flesh!" The cannibal yelled. I yelled and ran down the hallway. I leapt over a overturned closet and passed doors. I dodged beds that were strewn around the hall and ran down to the dead end of the hall. There was a door next to me and I grabbed my handle and almost jerked it open. I tried again and again. "No no no!" I was shaking now. The cannibal was nearing. I looked over and saw junk piled by each other, and there was a thin opening between them. As fast as I could, I squeezed through the gap. I ran into a room with chairs, books, and shelves all over the floor. I heard the cannibal yell in frustration.

I opened up a door and entered back into the plastic tarp place. I walked through yet another cut-out with blood splattered everywhere. I stopped and caught my breath, my heart refusing to stop pounding. I walked up to a clear-glass door filled with yellow gas. That was odd. Suddenly a dark figure lunged forth and started beating on the glass.

"Turn it off... Shut down the gas, please, I can't..." The figure pleaded, then faded back into the gas. Was it a patient? Was it a doctor? Was it a trick?

I quickly walked through a cut-out and wondered down the side of the plastic tarp hallway, eventually walking through a wall with a hole through it. There was a hole big enough for me to get through the wall\window.

I leapt through it and landed in a hallway. Down the hall, in front of me, was a door that was slightly cracked. I walked up to it and opened it slowly, raising my camcorder and turning the light on. In front of me was a wall and I turned to the right, seeing another door just a way's away.

I went up to open it went it started banging violently; somebody behind it was getting ready to bust it open and kill me.

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