i. enigmatic encounter

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A fragmented view of a man flashes through my eyes again.

Amidst the blinding light, the outline of his body appeared before me. His face is something I cannot pinpoint yet those eyes of his remained apparent.

Who are you?

 I called out to him, my voice echoing through this vast space.

"Hell prince" 

The man in my view replied, his dark voice resonating through my ears.

What is your name?

And this time, the hazy echo didn't reply to the inquisitive callings of my voice. I attempted to squint my eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of his mysterious face through the blinding light. But instead, a thick, film of white smoke bloomed as to then the man vanished.

A voice then started somewhere. A voice of a man. The voice grew louder and louder, calling out to me. The midnight air was heavy, it cracked with otherworldly magic as my ears too grasped the tranquil words spoken from afar.

"Whatever dimension, world nor timeframe. Whoever's the soul you are at the end, I'll be chasing after you. Because in the end, it's worth it because I will meet you again. You are worth it"

The voice from afar was too miserable, it was unknowingly making my heart ache.

The pain in his voice pulled a string in my heart accompanied with the sudden urge to bang my head to recall where I have heard this voice. There is something I long to remember but I couldn't pinpoint it either— my soul was yearning for something, for a certain piece that could fill this gap within my shattered heart.

But what is the point of longing for something that you don't even know?

Into that moments, it was all just black and a suffocating void beheld. The light was scarce and everything was devoid of sound.

Darkness. It was all solemn and heavy darkness. My first friend.

It's too gloaming and too overwhelming— then I woke up.


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