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In the opulent walls of the palace, chaos reigned the hallways.

Servants were scurrying around, panic evident in their hurried movements while the King and his advisors frantically discussed the ambush in town, their faces drawn with urgency and worry.

Swinging the door open from the meeting hall, Seonghwa sprinted out right after Yunho said those words. His usually calm composure was full of urgency as his heart paced.

He was scared; scared that something might happen to her.

Trying to disregard the worst-case scenarios, he then took sight of a familiar maid running in haste. Without thinking, he gently grabbed her arms and faced her.

"Where is she?" He demanded, his voice cutting through the tumult like a blade.

The girl, Miyeon. Trembled under his intense gaze, she knew who exactly the Prince was referring to, but the sight of his blazing eyes was enough to make her stammer in response.

"She was last headed to the greenhouse, Your Majesty."

Without another word, Seonghwa released his grip and heaved a sigh of relief. That's all that matters to him - that she would be safe within the glass of his hidden sanctuary.

The rest of the palace occupants followed suit and all of them found themselves In the grand war room of the palace. Around them, troops gathered, armed with whatever weapons they could find. The scent of smoke wafts in the air, a grim reminder of the burning town outside the palace walls.

The two Generals had two different pursuits: Mingi prepared and assigned the weapons in the background while Hongjoong addressed the assembly. Their faces set in determination as they readied their donned their armour.

But then a soldier burst into the meeting room, his face filled with urgency. "The town is on fire!" he announced.

Confusion filled the room as everyone turned to him, and he quickly added, "The people who ambushed the town also set it on fire. It's spreading fast."

The room erupted into a frenzy as they prepared for rescue, Yunho and the Generals coordinated the troops, Wooyoung checked weapons, and Jongho oversaw the medical team. Meanwhile, Seonghwa, who had been mum throughout the, silently secured his two-edged sword and moved across the room to face Luna, who was distributing buckets and weapons to bring in haste.

And his next words were like a strike of thunderbolt that froze her.

"You'll stay here."

Luna subtly pauses and she lifts her head, narrowing her eyes as she clenches her hand into a fist.

"For what? I don't think I could just stay back and let all of you fight with your lives?!" She insisted, her voice tinged with urgency. "I have to go."

Mingi who instantly understood what the Prince was trying to convey, decided to take hold of her arm. The look on her face appears as if she is about to blast at any moment.

"Listen to me," He begins. "I know you want to help, but we must consider the safety of those within the palace as well. They need you here."

Her objections faltered as she looked around at the others gathered in the chamber, their faces reflecting each other.

"It's true," Jongho spoke up. "If you go who will protect the King and Queen? We need someone here to stay here, and that is you."

"And if you rush into the fray in your draconic form, you will only burn the town further. We need a calm and strategic approach to this."

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now