The Unknown.

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3rd P.O.V

Place: Redacted

Time: 10 days before "The Beginning".

A meeting was being held in (Redacted).

"What do you mean portals are being opened!? I thought they were all taken out!" Asked HMS Queen Elizabeth

"We do not know but we had captured a transmission from them." Replied Sheffield. "The transmission said something about a Fleet of Fog. We do not know what or who are they. They might be worse then the Sirens." Queen Elizabeth said as she was referring to the older report 4 months ago.

"Can you please read the transmission Belfast?" Belfast then opened up her case and pulled out a file.

"'All forces are to go to designated G43-H46, or F-64-K34 grid square. All units are to be on stand by. No one is to engage Azur Lane. Only unit 1765, to 1987 are permitted to engage. All units are to start deployment on the Unknown's world. Orders for all other units are to study the Unknowns recently identified as the Fleet of Fog.'  That's all ma'am."

"Thank you Belfast. As the transmission says there is an unknown fleet. A Fleet of Fog as they call it. We should be wary, should said Fleet of Fog ships be hostile. Also send a message to the American navy about the portals." HMS Queen Elizabeth said.

The (literal) loli queen, may look cute and a tad questionable, but do not mistake her for a child.

"Very well then ma'am." A light cruiser said as she walked out with a copy of the documents.

"I have a motion to suggest." HMS Queen Elizabeth said. "We should find a portal, and capture the unit. Should you encounter any Sirens willing to surrender. Capture them. But should they shut it down and scuttle it. We should study it. Should it be possible."

"Very well all in favor say raise your right, not in favor raise your left." HMS Royal Oak said. There was a small amount of talking about it. Soon everyone raised their hands.

"Meeting over. We will talk about battle plans over in a different day."

FOF (Fleet of Fog) KMS Gniesenau P.O.V

Date: July 14, 2060

Place: Denmark Straight

"Brother, why are we here? We had not moved for five hours and it is getting rather boring." I asked to which he seem to be unfazed by it.

"I have what humans call a hunch. While I have no information about it I think there is an anomaly." I sighed.

"You did trade your Super-Gravity Cannon for the enhanced sonar system. I will trust your judgment." I said reluctantly.

"But if the others get mad at us I'm blaming you Scharnhorst." I said as I got my violin.

Thirty more minutes later as I was playing, Scharnhorst stood up. I then dropped the violin and it dispersed back to Nano material.

"Gniesenau stand by. Unknowns detected, 50 clicks 163 degrees starboard side. Heading to us."

With that we disintegrate our mental models.

"Turning 86.5 degrees starboard. Klein field at 100%. Ready to engage."

"Sending you live coordinates. Fire when ready."

With that I launched a corrosive. 40 seconds later. Hit. "Gniesenau, hit. Unknown is now splitting up into two groups. Identifying them as Alpha and Beta. Alpha changing course 70.2 degrees Starboard. Distance 45 clicks. 30 knots. Beta changing course 18.4 degrees port. Distance 45 clicks."

"Launching 10 cluster torpedos." From there they rose up and dived to the water. All of which broke open and chased the two unknowns. One by one they each detonated but none hit.

"Scharnhorst prepare all of your weapons. I'm doing something that is unorthodox." When I said that he turned of his Sonar and said to me. "Why did I become your older brother."

With that Scharnhorst then turned away. When he was 2 clicks away I then soon detected my targets and deployed the Mirror Ring Defense System.

When the waters part I saw creatures of darkness. It was both beautiful and dangerous. "It is a shame that we have to destroy them. Scharnhorst if you..."

"Yeah yeah hold it in place. Lock. Firing." With that a corrosive torpedo hit and ate the creatures.

With that the system shut down and I fell down to the water. As the waters went down I reformed my mental model and sigh. "Shame we destroyed them."

"Gniesenau something is wrong." My brother said as he reformed his. "The Network. It seems we are cut off."

I was confused for a moment. I then went to try to open the network only to not detect the constant updates on it. "Scharnhorst is there a protocol about being cut off from the network?"

"Well not directly. The only orders we have is to survive and gather information. Until we can reconnect. That is the only thing it says."

"You have got to be kidding me. The protocols all at least have like 5 pages."

"Well sorry but it is rather rare to be disconnected from it."

"Fine I guess we have to adapt brother." I sighed as I looked forward.

With that we both fall into formation, with me in the front.As the sun sets we saw something disturbing. "Scharnhorst. You see what I'm seeing?" "The moon being broken? Then yes."

The Expeditionary Fleet Of Fog (Arpeggio x Azur lane x Gate x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now