❛ Chapter 3 ❜

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"Wai-.." Pico called out but then Girlfriend was already out the door. He sighed and looked down at the table, seeing the box Girlfriend had left on the table. The redhead shook his head a bit, "How the fuck did she forget that.." He muttered, tapping his fingers on the table.

Pico noticed the napkin Girlfriend shuffled over to him, he grabbed it and folded it. He shoved it in his pocket with a blush appearing on his pouted face. Pico got up and grabbed his cup of black coffee and the box Girlfriend had left of what Pico guessed was a pastry. He slightly yawned quickly and began to walk out of the cafe.

But before he left, Pico turned to look at the worker who served him. He spotted the blue haired male staring at him with their face full of sorrow. Then redhead chuckled a bit and waved at them swiftly before leaving the cafe.

He began to walk steadily away from the cafe, quietly whistling. Pico would be fidgeting with his gun but.. society would take that in a horrible way. He continued to walk in the direction of a well known arcade.

Once he arrived, Pico shuffled inside using the push to open door. He walked inside and went over to the employees only room. "Hey dipshit!" A voice called out making Pico pout his face. It was his coworker, Darnell. "Hi dumbass." Pico interjected back, rolling his eyes. Darnell chuckled as Pico walked over to the small table they had in the room, he placed down his cup of coffee and the box carefully.

"Oh, what's in that box?" Darnell questioned curiously, fixing his posture in his chair trying to see what was in the small box. "Don't fucking know actually.." Pico replied back with a shrug, pulling out the empty chair and sitting down. Darnell gave him this confused look, "What the hell do you mean you don't know?" He asked trying to get an answer from Pico. "Seriously, don't have a fucking clue. Someone I know left it in the cafe I was at, so I decided to take it to give it back to her or something.." He replied with a small crimson appearing on his freckled face.

There was a couple seconds of silence before Darnell snickered, "Awhh! Is little Pico in love with some girl and wants to win her little heart but giving her a box with some shit inside~!" Darnell said in a high pitched voice teasing Pico trying to annoy him. "Oh shut the fuck up!" Pico said with an irritated tone, Darnell teasing him irked him a lot but it was normal. He leaned out of the seat to smack Darnell in the back of the head. The other roared with laughter, "Picowico is a little embarrassed!" Darnell continued to tease, still laughing in between.

"Oh my god, you're so fucking annoying." He joked with a groan. "You're acting like like you aren't!" Darnell rolled his eyes. Pico shook his head, "I'm not, if I had my gun I would shoot the fuck out of you." Pico said with a joking tone. Darnell smiled, "I would burn you to death." He said while chortling. "Do it, pussy." "Oh I will."

The two broke out into guffaws as the laughter filled in the small room. "You're dumb as hell." Darnell commented making Pico smile and roll his eyes at the remark. "Yeah yeah, bitch boy." This was all in good fun, they weren't actually serious.. or were they?

Darnell looked at the clock in the room and then glanced over to Pico. "Well shit.. It's time to get to work, Toothpick." He said with a toothy grin. Pico blinked at the nickname, "Toothpick? Really?" He questioned the creativity of the nickname. Pico sighed, "Well we have to get to work or we won't get paid, dumbass." The other commented with another sigh. "True, so let's open up the arcade! Get ready to hear some screams from dumb kids." Pico said stretching his arms.

They both left the employees only room in a drained manner. It was finally time to work for the two of them.

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