❛ Chapter 4 ❜

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Boyfriend lazily slumped on Nene's couch, it was already a couple hours after work. He let out an annoyed but flustered groan covering his face with his own hands. "Why are people pretty.." He muttered in exasperation.

Nene laughed, sitting next to Boyfriend. "I get what you mean. There's this girl with red hair that works at Hot Topic who I slightly befriended. She's really cute.." Nene mumbled with a small blush on her face. Boyfriend stuck out his tongue, "Gross." He joked. "What the fuck, BF!" Nene scowled smacking him in the back of the head.

"Ow! Rude.." Boyfriend said with a joking frown on his face. "You're rude." The other replied, rolling her eyes. The blue haired male shook his head then continued to daydream about the two people who went inside the cafe this morning.

The ravenette blinked and poked Boyfriend making him flinch. "Wh-.." He fumbled looking over at Nene. "Who are ya daydreaming about, Bi friend." She said with a joking tone making the others face warm up. Boyfriend sighed a bit, "There were two people who walked into the cafe and oh my god.. They were both-.. gorgeous." He babbled with his words slightly slurring.

Nene raised an eyebrow and slightly pouted her lips to not laugh. "What do they look like? Maybe i've seen em while working the counter." She said, nudging Boyfriend with her elbow. Boyfriend's face got warmer as he thought about the two.

"One of them has beautiful curly brown hair that goes down to her waist with eyes just like mine but they were full of stars.. She looked perfect." Boyfriend rambled with a smile. Nene didn't say anything just lost in thought while Boyfriend explained. "And the other.. bright soft looking orange hair that was pushed to the back but still looked neat with his head shape. His eyes were a glistening hoary.. He looked astonishing.."

The ravenette blinked before something clicked in their head, "Oh, I know who you're talking about!" She asked with a surprised expression on her face. "Huhwha.." Boyfriend said at the others sudden statement. "You do?!" Boyfriend asked as his heart began to race. He might have a chance to get to know those two.

"Yeah! They're my friends, BF! I'm pretty sure they are off work right now too, they could come over." Nene said with a smile. Boyfriend's face turned a warm vermilion as he stared at Nene. "Wh.. That w-would.. be ni..nice." He mumbled out beginning to face the ground in embarrassment.

Nene giggled, "Kay! I'll message them now then."

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