❛ Chapter 8 ❜

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Girlfriend silently woke up with a small hum, fatigue slowly flooding through her body. Her stomach rumbled with a small echo going throughout her room. She carefully shuffled out of her bed, her feet landing on the cold wooden ground making a shiver run down her spine. She curled her toes gently slowly getting used to the piercing cold. It took a couple seconds but soon she was fine, lightly ambling off into the kitchen.

It was a quiet morning, the birds chirping cheeringly making a smile form on Girlfriend's face. The atmosphere was warm and cozy as her mind dazed with different ideas of what to make for breakfast. The sunlight creaked in through the window lighting up to dim kitchen with a happy glow. It was comforting to be in. Usually mornings wouldn't be so casually calm but today was different. Mom and Dad aren't home for the day so it was just her. Emotions began to flood Girlfriend's brain as she thought back on conflicting thoughts.

Her mind mainly focused on yesterday, Boyfriend and Pico. Those two made her feel a lot different than others would, it made her happy. Her face warmed up at the thought of the two as she grabbed two slices of bread and scurried over to the fridge to grab a bottle of strawberry jam. She grabbed a butter knife and walked over back to the kitchen counter. Girlfriend put down the slides of bread on a plate, opening the jar carefully and scooping out a nice amount of jam on the butter knife. Slowly beginning to spread marmalade with a hum escaping her plump lips. After a couple seconds of spreading the preserves on both slices of bread, Girlfriend placed the two slices together, making sure to smoosh them enough to get enough jelly on both.

Girlfriend giggled as she placed the sandwich back on the plate, grabbing the butter knife and quickly washing it placing it into the drawer seconds after. Putting the lid back on the jar of strawberry jam, she walked over to the fridge and placed it back inside. She held the plate with a smile and walked to the dinning table, sitting down and taking out her phone. She began to scroll through a bit of social apps, before a picture showed up on her feed. It was a picture of Boyfriend.

Her face flushed, he was in the same outfit which she guess was his casual attire with a smirk on his face. Girlfriend felt like she was going to melt. She found Boyfriend very attractive. The auburn cleared her throat, "He's.. really pretty.." She muttered under her breath as her face got warmer. They fiddled with the keychain on the side of their phone as she bit the inside of her lips. It was one of the first times Girlfriend felt like this towards someone. It made her feel special, love felt amazing.

She began to run through her thoughts as they began to get waved by the picture of Boyfriend. Girlfriend sighed a bit as a shiver ran down her spine, "What if we hung out today?.." She asked herself with a hum. Her face turning a deep vermilion at the question. The auburn sighed and went over to her messages, going to Boyfriend's contact and typing out a small message.

hi, this is gf from yesterday :)
i wanted to ask if you'd like to hang out today! it seems like a really cool idea ☺️

Now it was time for Girlfriend to wait for a response.


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