sixteen .

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🔀 chapter sixteen : Love

"I love you."

Athanasia's heart almost dropped at the shock she's receiving. She almost thought that Lucas said I love you to her, it's a good thing the thought about acting as Anastasia stick stronger on her head.

"I... I love you too," She stuttered, wanting to let go of the hug.

"A-Ana, no you're missing the point," Lucas said as he lets go of the hug. "What I meant to say is-"

"I really want to listen to some of your works but I'm kinda tired and I badly want to sleep," Athanasia cut him off.

It's too painful. She don't know why but it's painful. She wanted it to stop.


"Lucas..." Athanasia eyed the older, telling him to stop. "Say that tomorrow, I'm tired. I'm glad that you finally got your dream even if it's just half of it."

"Oh, okay... I'll be staying here for a while, sleep well," Lucas said, smiling.

Athanasia hummed nodding. "I will, after you finished, immediately go to bed. You've worked a lot."

"I will ma'am."

"Then..." Athanasia gave him one last smile. "Good night."

As the door closes, her smile faded. Her hand dropped down.

Why is it hurting?


Athanasia woke up at the sweet scent that she sniffed from somewhere. She groaned, rubbing her eyes as she rolled up from the bed.

"It's morning already?" She muttered, checking the clock on the bedside table. "It seemed like I slept for 5 minutes."

She forced herself to stand up and went to the bathroom to clean herself up. She has somewhere to go to today.

After taking a shower, brushing her teeth, and wearing clothes on, she went downstairs to see whats that delicious smell was that she sniffed earlier.

Athanasia's eyes widened when she saw Lucas putting down two plates of French toast on the table.

Lucas looked up and saw her. He sweetly smiled at her and greeted, "Good morning."

"G-Good morning..." Athanasia muttered, looking away from his smile. Seeing his face made her remember last night.

Lucas noticed her outfit, a white long-sleeved turtleneck, topped with a long brown jacket and paired with a pair of black tight jeans and leather boots. He leaned on the table and raised a brow. "Where are you going?" He asked.

Athanasia tilted her head. "Oh, there's a sale in an art shop that I loved to buy at so I'm planning to go out and buy some good art supplies."

"Is that so? I can take you there," Lucas replied, following Athanasia who took a seat across him.

"No need," Athanasia almost cut him off, shaking her head. "I-I can go by myself. Besides, you're busy."

"My dad's in the company today."

Athanasia looked up from her breakfast with wide eyes. "Huh?"

"He's there to give me some time to rest since I did a lot for the past months, so I'm free," Lucas explained, smiling. "We can shop together and besides, I'm interested in that shop that you're buying at."

"Interested?" Athanasia scoffed, taking a bite of the toast, her eyes brightened at the delicious taste. "Mhm, this is good."

"Thanks. So, let me go with you."

Athanasia stopped and raised a brow. She stared at Lucas's pleading eyes, hoping for her to say yes.

She actually wanted to go out to avoid the older for a while since she felt awkward every time she sees him, she doesn't know why though. But she thinks she can't avoid him today.

"Fine..." She sighed. Why is fate not on my side?

"I'm glad," Lucas said before starting to eat.

"Better eat fast, I don't want to be late there."

"Roger that."


"Oh, so this is the shop?" Lucas muttered, looking up at the sign above the glass doors.

"Yep." Athanasia nodded, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Let's go in."

Lucas followed.

As soon as the two went in, Lucas can't believe his eyes, the shop was beautiful. The walls were painted beautifully with interesting shapes and people instead of a plain colored wall and the shelves were aesthetically designed, he almost felt ashamed of their room with just having plain gray walls.


Athanasia's voice pulled Lucas out of his trance and faced the younger. "Huh?"

"What are you spacing out for?" Athanasia frowned. "C'mon."


Throughout the shopping, Lucas just followed Athanasia, though he sometimes helped her pick out some good colors for her next painting.

"I think I bought all that I want," Athanasia huffed, looking down happily at her cart full of art stuff.

"I think you bought everything in the store," Lucas corrected, sighing.

"Hey!" Athanasia glared at the older. "I have to buy a lot because I was planning on painting our walls."

"Painting our walls?"

"Yeah," Athanasia said with a nod, taking another step as another customer finished paying. "It looked so boring so I decided to paint it, giving it a little bit of life."

Lucas's wishes have been granted. He's also been thinking of painting the walls of their room after walking into the shop. "C-Can I help?!"

Athanasia stopped and looked up to the older who's staring at her with bright eyes.

She swears he looked like a puppy.

"Sure," She replied, smiling. "It's nice to paint with someone."

Lucas's smile got brighter. He can't wait to paint with her, though he's not good at drawing and designing stuff, he will still try his best to help the younger.

"We're next in line puppy~"

"W-What did you just call me???"

"Nothing... puppy."


Athanasia feels satisfied with his reaction. She's glad that she agreed on going out with Lucas, it's been a while to buy something she wants with someone willing to go with her.

Unlike that someone.

Lucas was the first man that ever agreed on doing something she loved to do. He's even the first one who accepts her dream.

That's one of the things that she kinda liked about him. He was kind and never make a big deal over something she does.

And he's the first one who makes her feel like this.

I give up... She thought, looking down sadly at their cart.

I think I fell in love.

What should she do now?

Here's the chapter and also I will not update this week because an exam is coming up so I'll be back updating again with the same schedule next week ;-;

" The Switch " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now