Chapter Thirteen: School. Yipee.

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         I think I'll keep the Author's Note in the beginning, so the cliff hangers are, indeed, cliff hangers! Oh and I'm making the princible in the next chapter a girl. I love dis song too. Also. It's legal.

        Xoxo Luci!       

        "R-really?" Tamaki stutters and I laugh and nod. The Host Club all smile and cheer. I adjust my pillow and lean my head against it. 

        "You're allowed to leave." A smiling nurse peeks her head out the door. I nod and she walks away. I get up and pick up the clothes a nurse left for me. I head to the bathroom and look down at the outfit.

        "Okay then..." I say and put on the clothes. I open the door with my head down. I can tell the club is about to laugh.

        "Laugh and it'll be the last fucking thing you ever do." I growl and walk out the door, The Host Club slowly tailing behind me. 
        Third Person:

        Red and The Host Club decided to sleep over at her house, excluding Haruhi. Red opens the doors to her mansion. "Woah! It's bigger than ours!" Hikaru yells, his voice echoing in the lonely house. 

        "I agree, it is quite big." Kyoya says.
        "That's what she said!" Red snickered, earning a glare from Kyoya. "What? It was funny!" She laughed. 
Red's Pov:

        "What? it was funny!" I laughed. I don't care what he says, it was totally worth it! He shakes his head and continues writing in his Death Note. Or that's what I call it.

        "So, I'll show you all your rooms, kay?" I say, breaking the silence.They nod and I motion them to follow me. We pass the long hallway, painted powder blue with pictures of me when I was little.


        "Daddy!" I yelled and hugged daddy as he entered the house. He pushed me off to my surprise.

        "Get off you worthless brat!" He scolded and tears formed in my beautiful, blue eyes. He's never this bad. 

        "B-but daddy!" I sobbed and ran to mommy. 
        "What do you want, whore?" Daddy says to a shocked mommy.
        "I just don't think-"
        "You never think you worthless tramp!"  Mommy cries and I run down an endless hall. 


        I tear up as I remember all the days I've had to spend with father. He called me terrible names, starting at twelve. I was so Innocent. So pure. 

        "Red, you okay?" Honey asks. "Watch out!" Kaoru says as I hit a door. 

        "Well, this'll be someone's room!" I rubbed my head and laughed. 

        Third Person

        Hikaru and Kaoru took that room. Honey and Mori took the room next to the twins, Kyoya took the room next to Honey, and Tamaki took the room next to Kyoya. Which is also next to Red's room. Coincidence? I think not.

        Red rushes down the hall to the kitchen. She opens the cupboard, small, but big enough for her to fit in, and crawls through it. Some people knew about the entrance, but they couldn't fit through. 'I bet Honey could...' Red thought.

        She finishes crawling and stands up in a closet. She opens a door, revealing a staircase. She runs down and opens another door, with a lock. She marvels at the huge room. The room has guns, armor, and bows. Her equipment. A computer desk fills the center of the room with a laptop, printer, and voice box. 

Not So little Red (OHSHC) ? x ocWhere stories live. Discover now