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Hello my Unicarls! I'm sorry it ended this way, so short and confusing. Anyway, this A/N is to explaine. The man wo barged in on the ball was the man who roofied and raped Red. Even though it doesn't say it in the text, it's there. 

        Also, there will be no sequal. The man never returned. Tamaki and Red had to baby boys, Tuck and Augusus, after Red's (and my) favorite book, The Fault in Our Stars and Tuck Everlasting. Helena is the song I want played at my funeral. 

        Now, I will be making a new Ouran FF, but it will not be a Red, maybe a side character. Also, the title. I planned to have Kaoru try to move in on Red, but I'm deleting that part. Don't worry, he'll have his own book. Soon. 

        I may or may not be posting the first chapter of my book today. It just seems too soon. Three chapters of this book? One being the ending? Anyway, this was my perfect ending. 

        Ending with Red asking Tamaki if he remebers when they first met. To be clear, the whole story was her dream. Except for the end of course! I hope you enjoyed the book, I love you all, stay perfect!

        -Xoxo Luci

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