Chapter Five: This Mad World

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And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I'm dying, are the best I've ever had.

-Tears for Fears- Mad World (Gary Jules cover)

Kaoru's Pov:

We laugh, honestly, she's right, the 'twincest' act is kind of gross. "So, will you sing for me sometime?" I ask. She hesitates for a minute. "If I do, will you not tell anyone about my eyes, even your brother?" What a silly question. "I wasn't going to anyway." She seemed surprised by this. "Are you sure?" She asks, I can tell, she's embarrassed. "You know, you don't need to be embarrassed, I'm sure." I smile.

After awhile, we get to the Host Club doors. "So, I see you're staying." I smirk. "Well, I guess yeah, I owe you a song." She smiles. 'She's adorable when she smiles.'

I open the doors, the girls are already falling over the boys. "Kaoru, I was so worried!" Hikaru ran up to me and held my chin in his hands. "I was only gone for a few minutes." I whispered. "KAWAII!!!!" The girls scream, well, all except, 'her.' I wish I knew her name.

Tamaki's Pov:

"Mommy!" I wailed, I want to know all I can on the girl. "What is it?" He asked bored, I pouted. He never looks up from his computer. "What can you find on 'the girl'?" I ask. That's her nickname. He widens his eyes. "I-I can't find anything on her." My eyes widen as well.

Kaoru's Pov:

"Princess!" I hear Tamaki yell and he runs up to the girl. "What's your name?" He asks, trying to use his charm. I hear the girls say things like 'that's not fair' and other things.

"I told you, my life's a Cinderella story." I can feel her smirk. Tamaki pouts and walks over to us. "If you guys find her name before me, you can go on a date, but you must split up, it won't be fair for her to go out with both of you." I roll my eyes. "What does Kyoya have on her?" I asked. "Strange thing is, he has nothing."

My eyes widened in shock. "No" Hikaru started. "Way." We both were in surprise. "Well, game on." She said from behind us.

Red's Pov:

"Well, game on." They turn around, surprised I heard the whole conversation. My red hood shades my face, making me look mischievous.

I hang around Kaoru for awhile. "So, bout' that song." I said after awhile of him talking with other girls. "Oh yeah, you don't have to, but if you play the piano, it's over there." He pointed to the piano. I walk slowly up to it, no one has noticed me yet, well, only Kaoru.

My fingers press the keys as I start the song. That got their attention.

"All around me are familiar faces,

worn out places, worn out faces.

Bright and early for the daily races.

Going nowhere, going nowhere.

Their tears are filling up their glasses,

No expression, no expression

Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow.

No tomorrow, no tomorrow.

And I find it kind of funny,

I find it kind of sad,

The dreams in which I'm dying,

Are the best I've ever had.

I find it hard to tell you,

I find it hard to take,

When people run in circles, it's a very, very

Mad world, mad world.

Children waiting for the day they feel good,

Happy birthday, happy birthday

And to feel the way every child should,

Sit and listen, sit and listen

Went to school and I was very nervous,

No one knew me, no one knew me.

Hello teacher, tell me, what's my lesson?

Look right through me, look right through me.

I find it kind of sad,

the dreams in which I'm dying,

Are the best I've ever had.

I find it hard to tell you,

I find it hard to take,

When people run in circles, it's a very, very

Mad world, mad world,

Enlarging your world, mad world."

A series of applause's from the host, barely from the guests though. Just jealous. I sit back next to Hikaru and Kaoru, who's mouths were open. "That. Was. Amazing." They said together. "Thanks." I don't blush.

All the other host's, including Kyoya, ran up to me. "That was awesome!" Honey shouted. "It was amazing." Mori complemented. "I loved it!" Tamaki shouted. "How's you learn to do that?" Haruhi asked. "That was very interesting." Kyoya looked up from his notebook.

Tamaki's Pov:

After I listened to that beautiful music, I knew what we had to do. "Okay my beautiful kittens, hosting hours, are sadly, to an end." I sigh dramatically.

Once all the girls left, the girl was the last one to leave. "Okay, I have an idea!" I exclaim. "Oh no." Haruhi said. "Hey, I was only thing the girl could be a hostess." Honestly, I think it's a good idea. "Yeah, and she could play music too!" Honey laughs. "Exactly, no Koaru, you seem close to her, get her to agree." I narrow my eyes at him.

Koaru's Pov:

Who does he think I am? "No." I said, everyone reacted with surprise. "I'm sorry boss, but I'm not playing her like that, she's my friend." I say sternly. "Fine, then I'll do it." Hikaru smirks. "Don't you dare, Hikaru!" He laughs. "Challenge accepted."

Hey my Unicarls, let's ship Kaoru and Red, Rauru Hiding? What do you think of Hikaru's plan? Do you think he's jealous? I think so, stay perfect, also thanks for the support on my other two stories, I shall be updateding tommorow. Bye!

Xoxo Luci 1:03am 1/31/15

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