1. The new student

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Slight swear warning. But only very slight!

Echola's pov:

"So I'll explain what each band is for..." the headteacher, what's his name, began. "Light blue, like you've got, are for people who identify as male and are littles. Light pink is the same but for girls. Light purple is the same but for non-binary people. Light green is the same but for gender fluid people. White is for a switch and they will also be given one of the bands I have just mentioned. Light grey is for people who are cgs but still in training to make sure they are suitable for littles. Black is for cgs who are suitable for littles and have done their training, meaning you as a blue band should trust anyone with a black band. And I know you will enjoy being at this school for littles and cgs." That's where he was wrong I hate it here. I'll just hide my blue band cause I know that at this school you shouldn't trust anyone to see your band if you have a light blue, pink, purple, green or white. For people with grey bands most people trust you and with black bands everyone trusts you. Despite that I simply smile and wave walking out of the office. 'Right so first period- English. That won't be to bad... but... what about Misty! I need her or else I could have a panic attack! I haven't had one since the first few weeks I got her.' I thought to myself as she barked and rubbed up against my leg reminding me that she's there and that I need to breathe. I then head to class but when you're new it's hard finding your way. So I got lost! 'Where is the class?! I'm laaattteee! Not only that but I will probably have to explain about Misty as they probably haven't seen the email the headteacher just sent' I started to panic and Misty barked at me but I ignored her and continued to think cause anxiety to rise in me.

Riley's pov:

"So there's a new student in our year?" I question the others. They all nod and that's when Jake speaks up, "I've seen him! He has a dog with him! The harness has a number on it and in big letters it says 'DO NOT TOUCH' like really big letters I swear an old granny could see it!" He really had to shout at 10 in the morning didn't he? He really did. I swear sometimes I think he's secretly a switch and that would... explain... why he never has his band on show! Every cg should show their band. Luke speaks next, "I think that's a service dog, I mean if it's got that type of harness on and it's allowed with him it probably is." He makes a good point. "So are we just skipping school or just this lesson-?" Dillan asks. "Probably the whole day tho we have time with littles today so maybe come back for that lesson?" And there goes Felix popping in. He must be talking about out black band lesson. That's when we get to be with littles like all over the school and you see the littles can refuse but then some of us black bands have to watch them. Me and the others always say we'll do it but none of the littles ever refuse so we are made to stay in the lesson. The teachers know that even if there was one little that refused we're all going. "We'll go." I said in my monotone voice. The rest of them did a little dance and then they stopped when Felix asks, "what about the rest of the day? Do we have to stay in boring classes or can we skip and have fun?!" He seemed bored and then exited. "We'll skip." I said in my monotone voice again. And that's what we did till we got the the last lesson of the day, black band lesson. We went there as usual the be rushed over by the teacher. The group went over and I followed them. "Listen I don't have time to explain..." she sounded out of breath. "Are you okay?" Jake asked. She said she didn't have time to explain but she did explain, "So there's a little who I've been informed doesn't like the fact that he's a little and is now skipping the class. He has a service dog for his anxiety so please leave him alone if the dog barks cause that's the dogs way of telling him that he is about to have a panic attack. But I need you to go and get him and see if you can get him to explain why he doesn't like the thought of being a little. Please do you're best and I'm not going to be like 'BuT dOn'T aLl Go' because it could take all of you to help him if he ends up having a panic attack. Now I really don't have time to explain anymore so I have printed out an email I received with information about him." She handed me the sheet. Why? I don't know. "Please go find him and take him to the wooded garden." She said. (Pic of that above) Weird place to take a little but hey I'm not gonna judge. We walked trying to find him. Well should I say the others ran around together trying to find him while I walked behind them not really caring. I don't even know why I'm here or why they thought I was a cg but I'm here now and I've got some lovely boyfriends. By lovely boyfriends I mean the others. "Listen babe I know you need things explaining in a different way for you to worry so thank the lord I know how to explain it in 'your' language. There's a little out there who is probably lost as he is new and that could cause a panic attack. He could end up passing out and/or dying." Dillan stated. "Now when you put it like that..." I began processing it, "Shit! We need to find him!" I then realised the severity of the situation and started running around with the others. Where the hell could he be?!

Tbc... if you want it to be?

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