3. Jake's ex

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Shout out to my beautiful friend  _kya88_ I love them so much and they wanted me to continue this book so yeah here... it's currently midnight and I'm meant to be asleep but nightmares are a thing at the moment so no thank you I don't wanna sleep.

TW: s3xu@l assault. Skip to part 5 if you don't wanna read about it.

Riley's pov:

Jake was walking with us normally as he wouldn't stop struggling until he stopped dead in his tracks, I look up and see his ex. I quickly grab him and pull him close. I feel so sorry for him as he's shaking so much. Luke puts his hands out and I give Jake to him. I was on guard as I have no idea what's going to happen if I let my guard down.

Luke's pov:

I held onto Jake as I started to call the other two. Dillan picked up "hello?" "Dillan! Dillan, I'm in the English corridor with Jake and Riley... but we've bumped into Jake's ex! Jake terrified and I'm not sure what his ex is planning, he's just standing there like he's waiting for something to happen!" There was a few seconds of silence until he said, "We're on our way!" and hung up. After a few minutes of us still standing there Dillan and Felix arrived. We were all scared about what could happen to Jake and he was in my arms crying, shaking and it was almost like he'd slipped. I picked him up and whispered, "Are you little?" To which he hesitantly nodded his head. Great, just great. First we have to worry about his ex now about that fact that he's slipped for the first time. The first time is always the worst as your brain is still getting use to it. So yeah that's great. He started whimpering and that's when I noticed the others were on the ground unconscious and Jake was no longer in my arms but in his ex's arms! No... I don't wanna hurt him so I'm just gonna see what I can do.

I press record on my phone in the hope that if he says anything I'll be able to quickly show it to the headteacher and he will report it to the police. "What do you want from him?" I ask. His reply wasn't what I was expecting. "I mean I wanted what I got last time his virginity but I guess that was the only time I could get it... I wonder if a pretty thing like you is still virgin~" wha- no please leave us alone. "Well little one how about you go here huh?" He put Jake down next to Riley, who was now starting to wake up, thankfully. Riley sat up and looked at me confused. I just crawled over to him. "Please don't let him take me..." Is all I said as I grabbed Jake and pulled him to hug the other two. "He's white band" I mouthed to them. They seemed to get it as the were shocked them started to comfort him. While I grabbed onto Riley and whispered, "Please don't let him take me" again. "What do you mean?" Riley said out loud. "What he means is I don't want Jake anymore..." they sighed of relief. "I want Luke~" then they went tense and Riley grabbed onto me as tight as possibly and whispered if we hold him of can you and Jake go to the headteachers office and let him know?" He asked. "I don't like the thought of you getting hurt but I can and I have my phone recording so I have proof..." But at that moment four other men appeared behind us. My breath started to get quicker but Riley rubbed my back and whispered, "Stay calm... everything is going to be okay. I won't let him get you. Or anyone for that matter of fact. And if I really can't save anyone then I'll be here for them afterwards or if it happens to me I have you lot afterwards, okay?" I nodded. He was right. Three of the men separated Jake, Dillan and Felix, dragging them into a classroom that wasn't in use. Next the man and Jake's ex came up to me and Riley. "Put him..." Jake's ex pointed to Riley, "...in a chair and remove his clothes." What was he going to r@pe Riley?! "I want him after this one~" he grabbed me and the other man grabbed Riley punching him in the stomach, making him let me go.

"Who has the bag?" "Number 3" "Okay good... I wanna do a little thing to everyone... except Jake I've got something special for him..." No he's gonna hurt Jake! We're dragged into the classroom and Jake was being held, Dillan and Felix were tied up. "Take Jake to the blue band classroom and explain that he's a white band who has slipped, I want Dillan, Felix and Riley stripped and finally I want the bag." He said pointing to them when he used their names. What? Is he gonna r@pe us all?! Once Jake had left the room and the door was closed again, he locked the door and went into the middle with me and said, "Now pretty boy how about we get all of you prepared~?" The others were brought to the middle where there were no desks.

(Like that) I didn't understand what he meant, till 'number three' gave him the bag and he pulled out some lube, gags and vibrators

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(Like that)
I didn't understand what he meant, till 'number three' gave him the bag and he pulled out some lube, gags and vibrators.

3rd persons pov:

"Hmmmm... how about him first?" He pointed to Dillan. He was sitting on Luke's back so he couldn't get away while he grabbed Dillan placing him over his lap. He grabbed one of the gags and started to tie it up while he signalled to the guy who was originally holding Dillan. The guy pulled down Dillan's trousers and then his boxers. That was done by the time the gag was in Dillan's mouth. Jake's ex put some lube on his fingers and slid a finger into Dillan. After a while he stuck another in. Then another. Then another. He then placed a vibrator into Dillan and gave him back to the other guy, who tied him back up to one of the chairs at the desks on the left side. Jake's ex did that for Riley, who went directly opposite, and Felix, who went on the right.

(With Luke and Jake's ex in the middle)

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(With Luke and Jake's ex in the middle)

Luke's pov:

He started to take off my trousers and then my boxers. He clicked three remotes and the others looked uncomfortable so I assume that they're remotes to the vibrators. That when...

Cliffhanger cause I don't know what to do!!! Heheheh I'm evil I know but if you have any suggestions drop them in the comments! Cya!

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