2. Finding the little

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Sorry for the short chapter last time but I hope you enjoy this longer one.
Also TW Echola has a panic attack.

Echola's pov:

I was panicking. Misty was barking like crazy. Anyone in the school could of heard her. I don't know what's gotten into me today! I am skipping a class... but I don't like the thought of other people with black bands knowing I have a blue band. They would want to take care of me and I don't think I need that. If I can look after me and my brother for 6 years I'll be fine. Now when my brother was born I was planning on running away but I didn't want to leave him. Not wanting to leave him I put all my plans of running away on hold. Eventually I decided that I would stay there and take care of him, which I have been for 6 years! He's only seven. I bathed him, changed him, stayed with him when he had nightmares, brought him toys and all the essentials like food and drink, cooked for him, signed him up for school, took him to school, and basically just raised him. While trying to take care of myself as well. But my stupid parents decided that I was to come to a cg and little school. I have nothing against this school but I wanna be at home with my brother and not have to worry about anyone knowing I'm a blue band. Misty has stopped barking now? Maybe thinking about my brother calmed me down? I look around and she's gone! I can feel the panic rising in me. Before I know it I've got my back on the fence and my breathing is becoming uneven. Oh no... I'm about to have a panic attack.

Jake's pov:

"Umm guys look what I just found running towards me barking..." we all look up to see Riley holding the service dog. "Let her go! Service dogs are told to get help when somethings wrong. She must have been taught to get held when he's having a panic attack!" Luke says as Riley puts the dog down quickly. The dog started running towards the front of the school. No wonder we couldn't find the kid if we were looking round the back for him! Ugh we really can be stupid sometimes can't we? Yep.

Riley's pov:

I found the dog running towards me barking so I picked her up and walked back to rest of the group fearing the worst. "Umm guys look what I just found running towards me barking..." they all look up at me after I said that. I looked really worried but when Luke said that something bad had happened for her to be near us I really started to fear that he was out there all alone having a panic attack and when we eventually found him by following the dog. We found that my thoughts were reality.

Jake's pov:

"Don't touch him... and for once maybe let me handle it?" I knew what to do when someone was having a panic attack but they didn't so I was hoping they'd say yes. Which I guess they did as they all nodded their heads. "Hey listen, okay? I need you to look at me, okay?" I said as I bend down near him. At that moment I made a gesture that thankfully they got and they moved much further away than before so it was pretty much me and him. "W-w-w-w-who a-a-are y-y-y-you?!" He asked very panicked. I felt so sorry for him but for the first time he looked at me and I have to say those eyes of his are so pretty minus the fact that he was crying. "My name is Jake and I'm here cause I wanna help you... my other friends are here but they are all the way over there." I said sitting on the floor and pointing to my boyfriends. "Y-you want" his breathing was still very uneven and it was making hard for him to talk. "Listen we have your dog... if that makes you feel better?" The dog was released from hold by the other boys. It ran over and started to rub against him. He giggled a little breathing still a little uneven but still a little better and starting to get better. Maybe he was panicking so the dog ran to get help then when he looked around the dog was gone and that's what caused him to actually have a panic attack. "You feeling a little better?" I asked calmly not wanting to scare him. He gave me a nod in return and that made me fell a little better myself.

I had previous been really stressed and close to slipping as I'm a switch. But I've never told anyone as I got in a relationship with people who always thought I was a black band. So at this point I need to explain something... you can be given different bands depending on what your test, you take each year. Personally I always showed my band as I was a black band but apparently being around all the other black bands 24/7 I've moved to being a white band. Now I have nothing against white bands but I felt embarrassed to tell the 4 other black bands that their dominance made me move down to a white band... and I know that it's not healthy to never slip but since I got the white band along with the blue one... I haven't wanted to. I probably needed to but I didn't want to, so I didn't.

I was tapped on the shoulder "babe?" Luke asked as if I'd zoned out and he was asking if I was still alive. "Huh?" I asked back looking around to see that the kid had gone and so had Felix and Dillan, leaving Riley, Luke and I alone. They were the worst people to be left alone with... as they were both major daddies. Luke is so clever and I always wish I could be as smart as him. As well as Riley who is our leader of our group, even tho they're all black bands they listen to him and I kinda have to or else I'll get punished and my secret will possibly slip out! "BABE!" I stopped zoning out when Luke shouted that. "Babe are you okay?" He asked concern in his voice. "Hmm... I don't see why I wouldn't be!" I said joyfully even tho all I wanted to say was 'do I look okay to you?!' "Baby..." No no no no no no no... he's gonna make me slip. Wait come to think of it... I've wet myself. God that's embarrassing. "Baby let's get you up, into the bathroom and into a nappy." Wha- who does he think he is... I'm gonna slip!!! "Riley told us about his concerns to do with your band and you should have told us that you had a white band!" Wait they found out?! "We're only going to ask you this one..." Riley said as he picked me up off the ground I was sitting on... leaving a wet patch. "Only me and Luke know about this but we shared the same question we need to ask you... when was the last time you slipped?" Shoot I can't tell him I never have... but I don't wanna lie to him. I just shook my head. "So you wanna tell me you've never slipped?! You started hiding your band last year and you haven't slipped since then?!" I sighed. What's the point in lying to both of them. "Haven't wanted to" was all I said. "Baby you may not have wanted to but you need to. It's not healthy if you don't slip." He was right but I didn't wanna admit it. "I know you're right but I swear I don't need this stupid band anyways I'm not a little!" I tried to get down but eventually gave up. "Tell that to your wet pants" I mean Riley ain't wrong but stilllll. "No need to point that out..." "Okay well let's go get you changed then we can go to the others." Riley said. "Mhm" Luke tagged along with us while Riley carried me. I tried to escape the whole time he was carrying me and after a while he set me down. I walked ahead till I saw him... I saw my ex...


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