5. Helping everyone

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Sorry the last chapter was so short I promise I finally have ideas!

TW: mention of r@pe! I do not promote r@pe I just thought it fitted with the story and character backstories- you know? At the time skip r@pe is no longer mentioned.

Jake's pov:

We rushed to the classroom I hoped they were still in. We had a few teachers there and thankfully we got there just in time. No one was raped...  they were all sexually assaulted but look at the positive I guess.

~time skip brought to you by that fact that's it is 23:10 right now and I'm probably gonna get told off for not sleeping again~

Echola's pov:

They, meaning the boys I met a few weeks ago minus Jake, have been teaching me and Jake how to do things like slip and stuff. Jake has been okay with slipping, like he doesn't like it but he kinda excepts it however I love the idea but I just feel to vulnerable. Today we're gonna learn how to pee in nappies. Well this isn't gonna be a good day.

First Riley comes to get me out of the cot they brought me. Then Luke came to get Jake out of his one. (Imagine what you want cause I can't really describe what is in my head) We got carried to the bathroom and sat on the floor. The other two walked out when Jake spoke, "Wanna run? Cause I don't wanna do this today." I thought about it for a second the said, "I don't think it's wise as we don't know what would happen if they caught us!" He looked thoughtful for a few seconds then spoke again, "you make a good point... should we just expect the fact that we have to do this today?" I sighed, "Yeah we always have the safe word..." The Safe Word is to be used when they've overstepped our boundaries. "I guess so... but surely they can't make us drink or pee." I guess he's, "right" I said the last bit out loud. They came back in and started to change us but instead of giving us boxers the gave us nappies. I hate this already. They both asked, "Do they feel comfortable?" Jake and I looked at each other nodded and at the same time replied, "no but we have to get used to them." They looked at use sympathetically. "Listen I know you don't like this but your brain is little and you both need to except and enjoy that." Luke said as Riley was never good with emotions.

All day they'd made us drink but both of us refused to go to the toilet in our nappies and they refused to let us go use the 'big boy' toilet. I bet they wouldn't if we didn't go by the time we went to bed but you know. It was just before dinner, Luke and Riley were cooking leaving us with Dillan and Felix. Felix picked me up and laid me down. Dillan doing the same with Jake. We both shared a confused look till they gave us our sippy cups. Knowing we had no other choice we took them and started to drink. It looked like milk but something tasted weird about it so I pretended I'd had enough. Jake however finished the whole thing. They then gave us our pacis and a teddy each. I didn't take either but Jake took both. This is when the dreaded thing happened they pushed on our bladders. Not to hard that it would hurt us but enough to make it way to hard to hold back from peeing in the nappy but there was no way I was letting go after this long of holding it. Jake whispered something to Dillan and they were gone, leaving me and Felix alone... this is when he spoke up.

"Listen... if you really couldn't do it what would you do?" I didn't know what he meant so my answer was more of a question than an answer, "use the safe word?" He sighed, "what would you do?" I knew I wasn't getting away with that answer so I said but it was more of a whisper, "stay quiet and suffer..." he sighed again, "I knew it... baby stop suffering and either use the safe word or go to the toilet in your nappy. I'm trying to help make it feel a little more comfortable. Just let go..." and with that I felt him push a little harder and all the pee I'd been holding in came out at once. I was so embarrassed and uncomfortable I started to slip. It was the first time around them... and I was trying not to but it was hard. I started to cry. Felix was praising me about being a good boy. He went up to me and Jake's room, grabbed another nappy and onesie then went to the bathroom and changed me.

We went downstairs and I was hiding in his chest. When he was changing me he'd noticed that I'd partly slipped. I struggled but I didn't allow him to make me fully slip. When we got there the others were comforting a crying Jake. "You guys okay?" Felix asked and Luke replied, "Yeah Jake went... but now feels really upset about it... cause he you know wasn't little... but we have to teach them some how." They all nodded in agreement and I made grabby hands at Jake. Feeling much littler than before. Everyone except Felix was understandably shocked.

Tbc. Sorry guys. I have to 'wake up' at 7:00 and it's 6:55 am right now.

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