Chapter 3: Comforting and Hurt

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Savages Pov

*knock knock* I hear knocking on the door and I know exactly who it is. "Go away Hyden" I mumble brokenly.

"C'mon Sav dont be like that let me in." Hyden says indearingly, while my heart stutters at the way my nickname rolls off his tongue, gah why do I have to be in to this douche?!?! I want to be done with this, this game he plays. I hate it.

"Why should I? Why do you do this every single time? Doesnt it get tiring, arent you tired of having to do this? You are breaking me Hyden, I cant take this. Please just leave me alone and go get high or drunk or whatever." I say to him way more confidently and harshly then I meant or felt.

"Savage please let me in so I can explain to you why I do what I do. You won't regret it I swear." That ticked me the fuck off. He says that everytime, and I regret it everytime. God he wants me to kill him. He really does.

"Like I havent heard that one before! Just Leave Hyden! I dont need you to comfort me anymore I'm not a kid!" I just let out all my anger towards him at the moment in those words and I hope he got the message. And from the sound of him walking away I can tell that he did.


When I hear Savage yell at me I am shocked. Genuinely shocked. I cant believe I just made him yell at me when I was supposed to be comforting him. I walk away from his bedroom door and tell Danii I will be back and head down to Hot Topic. Even though Savage seems to be mad at me I refuse to just leave him in his current state.

When I get to Hot Topic I look for shirts and bracelets of all of Savages favorite bands. I couldn't find anything from Tori Kelly or from Never Shout Never in there but thats ok. After I find all of the rest of the bands he likes I buy him a shirt for each one. I know I shouldnt be trying to buy back his trust but, what else could I do? With Angel in college and Danii go through his own personal shit I was the only thing he had right now.

When I get back to the house I notice that Daniil is passed out on the couch and pick him up and carry him to his room. As I put Danii into his bed and start to tuck him in he grabs my hand. 

"Hyd you are just like Angel, but you know what Angel never to took time for herself, she always worried about us, about everyone. Take care of yourself bro, but don't lie to yourself. You think I don't notice but I do. Don't hide yourself from me dude, I know you better than most. Goodnight, Love you." Daniil mutters half asleep. 

"I love you too bud" I say quietly as I kiss his forehead. No I do not like Daniil in that type of way but he has been there for me for a long time and has looked out for me in the best way he could. He's like an older brother to me as weird as that sounds. As I really start to think about his words I slide down the wall of the hallway right between his and Sav's rooms. God I am just like Angel. I am always looking for everyone in this family, nut only because they look out for me. I guess what he was trying to really tell me though is that he is okay with me maybe liking guys and girls, an just everyone, you know. Which actually means a lot to me. 

As I finish off my thought I once again, softly knock on Savage's door. I decide to turn the knob when I don't hear a reply and go in. When I step into his room I see him curled up in a ball under his extremely warm and fuzzy Monsters Inc. blanket and my heart melts at the cuteness of it.......

WAIT WHAT! I DID NOT JUST CALL MY BEST FRIENDS BROTHER CUTE! I know I said I like everybody but c'mon the kids like my brother. Ok lets try again

When I step into his room I see him laying in a ball under his superman covers and my heart melts at the sadness of it.  As I observe him longer I notice the red rings around his eyes and my heart breaks because he's obviously been crying. I then set down the bag with his stuff in it and decide to right him a note. which reads:

Sorry you guys for not updating the story in awhile, Ive been busy with life n shit. Hope you like this BYYYY

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