Chapter 1: How It Starts ƒ¥ˆ<3

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Savage's Point of View

I am so fricking bored, and can't wait until my older brother Daniil comes home. Not  because I miss him but because I would then be able to watch and maybe talk to his friend Hyden. He is just beautiful and amazing. I love the way his cute long brown fringe almost covers his left eye and how he always has hat hair when he takes off his beanie. He is just perfect with his big gages and moles that dot his face. If you couldn't already tell I like this Hyden guy. 


"Savage I'm home and I brought Hyden so do you mind hanging with your friends tonight or going to your room and staying there until our parents get back?" My brother yells through the house. 

Since my mom doesn't want me to be around drugs I always have to leave or go to my room when Hyden and Danii are together. They usually smoke, get high, and drink when they are together and my parents think that they are bad influences on me, so yeah. Hyden and Daniil have been friends for years but Hyden is 17 and Daniil is 19. Hyden is super smart but ruins his chances of everything with his drugs. He used to be considered the angel of the school until he started doing drugs with my brother and making all the 'wrong' choices with all the 'wrong' people. ANYWHORE. lets get back to reality.

I go down stairs and say hey to Danii and Hyden in between getting something to drink and calling my friend Geminai and seeing if she wanted to hang. 

"Gemi! Hey, hows it going. Do you want to hang tonight. I'll buy you food!"

"Sav, baby, I told you I am out of town all week. My parents are trying to get me to bond with their friends daughter to get me to be more girly or whatever. Little do they know the little slut isn't a saint and has blown about 7 guys since I've been here."

"I would much rather be hanging out with you and your slut than my druggie brother."

"I'm you sure would but I'm stuck here. However next time you ask me to hang out with you I will definitely be asking for food, now that I know you are willing to buy."

"Of course babe anything for you. Have fun and good luck with your slut!"

"Thanks babe! See you in a week!"  

Ugghh I guess that means I will have to stay locked up in my room all day accept for the times I get to go at and get drinks and food for myself, at least I would get to see Hyden occasionally. But no I can"t even get that because of course my brother decides that they should go clubbing. Did I mention it's a school night. This means that those two will either need me to give them a ride home from the club or will wake me up trying to get to bed. GREAT!

ƒlashback over

While Hyden and Daniil are still at the club I try to finish my homework but I keep getting distracted by images of some sleazy little slut rubbing her disgusting body all over Hyd. Wow okay, stop Sav he is free to do anything or anyone he wants. But still he can definitely do better than some bar wench at Puffs, the only bar where the people get high enough to let teenagers hang there.


"Hyden did you see that slut that was looking at you, damn I wanted to tap that so bad!" says Daniil at an unbelievably high tone.

"The fact that she was slut is the reason why I wasn't interested. And if you like I don't want anything to do with her."  Hyde manages to get out between all his giggles. 

"HA you wish you had my taste when it comes to girls. Everyone I've been with aimed to please" Danii shoots back with ultra slurred words

"That's because they always know you have good shit and will share with anything that comes your way, bro. Honestly do you even have anymore shit because I know you gave mine away to the bartender to get us free drinks." Hyden replies while giving the idiot the stink eye.

Great my brother is drunk off his ass, and Hyden is high in the sky. I hope they aren't going to start doing shit extra loud now. I am going to give them a little warning. 

"Shut up will ya. I 'm trying to get some sleep." I say very annoyed. Lucky for them I went about the rest of my night unbothered.




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