minho • when you have to babysit

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you and your boyfriend were sat on the sofa with your younger brother.

you had been forced by your parents to babysit him even though you told them you were hanging out with minho.

he usually never had time to spend with you so this time meant a lot.

minho however didn't seem to mind. he liked feeling like your parents trusted him enough to leave him with both of their children.

y/n: "stop laughing, it's extremely annoying!", you shouted to your brother.

minho: "he's literally a three year old, you need to cut him some slack."

y/n: "he's also extremely annoying if you haven't already noticed", you exclaimed.

minho: "stop it, he's really cute", minho replied.

y/n: "he's only cute when he's sleeping and that only because he's not talking and is hardly moving."

minho: "you're unbelievable", minho says while laughing. "it's like being with two babies", he says making you glare at him.

the three of you sat on your sofa and watched a movie together until your brother finally decided it was time to sleep.

you took him to his bed and made sure he was okay before leaving his room.

he could be annoying but he he was your brother and you loved him.

you went back to the living room and snuggled with minho for the remaining time you had left with each other.

he has been so busy doing whatever idols do that he almost forgot what it was like to be a young man in his twenties.

any time he could spend with you was special even if you weren't doing anything special.

your parents had arrived home  and headed up to bed while you were busy saying your goodbyes to minho.

you hadn't really been able to spend time with him, but you were happy that he was okay after not being able to see him for so long.

minho: "good night, love."

y/n: "good night", you said with hearts in your eyes.

the two of you shared one last kiss before he made his way to the dorm.

short little update for you guys~~~

i just finished secondary (i live in london, england) so i'm freaking about going to sixth form/college. wish me luck. 😪

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