minho • when he wants cuddles

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your boyfriend minho is sleeping and you have to work until very late using your laptop to finish up files.

being the good girlfriend you try to be, you do your best not to wake him up but unfortunately you fail due to your screen being bright enough to light up the whole room.

minho: "y/n why are you still awakeee? i want cuddles."

y/n: "i'm sorry babe but I have to finish my work. i think you should go to the guest room otherwise you'll probably be awake all night because of me."

minho: "at least let me give you a back massage."

you just agreed to it knowing that he was only asking so that he could spend more time with you.

after finishing the back massage, you thanked him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

you then looked up only to see him standing next to his side of the bed with his messy hair hugging a pillow whilst pouting like the cute baby he is.

you could no longer handle the amount of cute he was showing towards you and so you automatically gave in.

y/n: "oh come here you."

as he snuggled into the crook of your neck, he had a sly smile on his face because he knew that you would always give into his cuteness no matter what.

little did he know that you could feel his smile.

y/n: "wipe that smile off of your face. if i get into trouble tomorrow at work, you better remember that it's your fault."

minho pouts and you melt into his arms as he giggles at your reaction.

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