minho • when he makes fun of your height

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you and minho were getting ready to binge watch a show called 'friends.'

you wanted to be comfortable so you changed into one of minho's hoodies which was wayyyyy to big for you.

you always wondered how they fit his upper body so well because when you wore them, they went down to below your knees.

the sound of you walking down the stairs made minho turn his head.

minho: "y/n what took you so long?"

y/n: "i was trying to find a hoodie of yours that would fit me somewhat decently."

minho: "aww you tiny baby", he cooed while staring at you with his shiny doe eyes.

y/n: "don't call me that!", you said but he just giggled.

minho: "i can't help it okay?! you look like a tiny baby in my hoodie!", he said while chuckling.

y/n: "you can continue to laugh while i go make the popcorn."

minho: "thank you, tiny baby! that's my new nickname for you now!", he said which made you groan.

y/n: "whatever", you said while rolling your eyes.

when you get to the kitchen, you put the popcorn kernels that were in a paper bag into the microwave and waited for them to finish popping.

when the timer on the microwave went off, you took out the popcorn bag, being careful not to burn yourself, and opened your cupboard to get a bowl but there was a problem... you couldn't reach the bowl.

you stood on your tip toes and reached as much as you could with your arms and when you finally managed to grab the bowl, it slipped out of your hands and made a loud noise.

minho: "y/n what's going in there?", minho asked while rushing into the kitchen.

y/n: "nothing happened", you said feeling too embarrassed to tell him the reason why he heard a loud noise especially because he was making fun of you for being short only a few minutes ago.

minho: "seriously y/n? what happened?"

y/n: i couldn't reach the damn bowl i wanted to put the pop corn in", you said while looking down with a blush spreading across your cheeks.

minho immediately burst into laughter after hearing the reason for your embarrassment.

minho: "awwhh my tiny babyyyy", he said while hugging you from behind and nuzzling his head into your shoulder.

y/n: "you need to stop calling me that otherwise i'm going to kick you in the shin." you said with frustration evident in your tone.

minho: "my tiny babyyy", he said making you turn around and kick him in the shin.

minho: hey! that hurt!", he exclaimed while trying to stand up straight.

y/n: i warned you, didn't i?"

minho: "i'm going back to the living room tiny baby", he said making you roll your eyes once again.

you soon joined him in the living room with the bowl of sweet pop corn.

the two of you were under a fuzzy blanket and you snuggled into minho's chest which in return made his cheeks turn red because you still had that effect on him even though the two of you had been dating for more than 3 years.

minho: "i can't believe that's how rachel's water broke", minho said before looking down to see you fast asleep.

he giggled while turning off the t.v. and picking you up bridal style to take you upstairs.

once you had both gotten to your bedroom, he placed you underneath the covers and joined you after brushing his teeth.

minho: "goodnight my tiny baby", he said with his sweet voice before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

stray kids • minho imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now