minho • break up prank

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minho has been in his studio all day to the point where it didn't even seem like you were both living under the same roof.

you were in bed listening to 'break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored' when a sudden idea came to mind.

you thought about doing the breakup prank on minho considering that he had pulled a bunch of pranks on you before.

you stepped out of your shared bedroom and walked to his studio room.

you knocked on the door before opening it and slowly peeked your head in.

he turned his head towards you and gestures you to come in.

minho: "c'mhere", he said as he patted his lap for you to sit on.

you made your way to his lap and carefully sat down.

he trapped you between his arms before moving his eyes back to his computer screen to continue working.

you saw the dark circles under his eyes as you heard him sigh.

you could clearly see how exhausted and tired he was due to the overflowing amount of work he had left to do.

y/n: "when will you be done?", you asked with pleading eyes.

yes you wanted to prank him, but you also wanted to do it so that he would have his attention on something other than work.

minho: "i don't know baby. i still have a little recording left to do", he said sighing.

y/n: "i have to talk to you", you said getting into character.

his head turned to you but his eyes were still fixed on the screen.

minho: "later babe, i'm still busy."

y/n: "it's important."

minho: "everything you say to me is important, just not now babe. i don't want you to repeat everything over and over just because i can't focus on what your saying." he said kissing your temple. "later baby, i promise."

you pretended to sigh as you stood up from his lap, walking away so that you could slam the studio door in order to add more fuel to the fire.

he wanted to run after you but he realised how much work he had left and sighed as he continued.

you've been lying in bed for a while now.

just when you were about to forget about doing the prank and go to sleep, you felt someone crawl onto the bed.

just by the presence, you knew it was minho.

looks like your doing the prank after all...

you turned to look at him trying to look as tired and as bored as possible.

he immediately wrapped his arm around your waist.

minho: "hey." his voice was really raspy from fatigue. he burried his face into your neck.

y/n: "min, i need to talk to you", you said trying not to smile from the tickling sensation your neck is feeling because of his hair.

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