Steggy | that's a price I'm willing to pay

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Weeks passed, today was marked as day 72. 72 days ago since the terrible showdown between Hydra and the Howling Commandos. 10 weeks ago since they had to pay their price to save the world from the red skull. It was a steep price but if they hadn't payed their price, the world would have been in a very different place right now. Bucky was sat in their local bar, drinking away his sorrow. The door opened and a man entered, asking him how he was. Bucky quickly turned around in the booth. "Howard, hi. I'm fine... don't you worry about me." He sat down next to Bucky. "The hospital is closing soon, I thought you might wanted to come with me before it closes? I know they'll like to hear your voice."

"Howard, it's been weeks, even months... I don't know if I can keep up my hopes any longer." He sighed. "To be honest, I don't know why they gave up. I can lose the people I hold dear to heart any second of the day." His voice cracked.

Howard swallowed the lump in her throat. "Nothing will harm them. You know how hard she is fighting. As well is Steve. They need you by their sides." He sat down next to Bucky. "I've got some good news about Steve, I couldn't tell earlier because I had to be out of town."

Bucky looked up with a weak smile. "What's that?"

"He woke up 2 days ago." Howard said with a genuine smile. "He reacted well to all the tests and even though he sleeps a lot, he's out of the danger zone. They'll move him to medium care if everything will be stable during this night."

"That's good to hear. And Peg?" Bucky asked, already regretting asking it.

Howard sighed. "She's getting worse. If she would have been in New York she would have everything she needed to stay alive but in this hospital they don't have enough equipment to support her, it seems she's only getting weaker and weaker... and since she doesn't have the serum to rehabilitate quicker like Steve does..." Bucky was taken back to the moment he last saw Steve and Peggy living their lives fully in love, how they celebrated their first anniversary as a couple, their engagement party... Aside from the trauma's, the war gave them a lot of happy memories, the only ones Bucky could remember. Howard saw Bucky got emotional and he cleared his throat. "She'll stay in coma as long as needed to survive."

Bucky wiped away a few tears. It was all his fault, so he claimed. How his decision could end up in this mess. "I'll come with you, I think she needs me." He gathered all his strength and got ready to go with Howard to the Hospital. "Maria is already there but we can't stay for long."


Half an hour later, Bucky and Howard arrived at the Intensive Care, second floor. In every room they walked by, all you could hear the thousands beeps coming from the medical devices what kept every patient alive. They stopped by Peggy's room and Bucky saw the situation that Howard described on their way. She even got more devices then last time he visited and that meant that the beeping had been multiplied. Because Peggy has been in a coma for already 2,5 months, she didn't walk, sit or even turn in her bed. Her muscles were weakened, her bones were clearly visible and all she did was breathe. Sadly not on her own, she wasn't capable of doing that. They knew they couldn't stay for long so Bucky sat down on the chair placed next to Peggy's bed. He held her hand, it was cold. "Hi Carter." The second he spoke, tears streamed down his cheeks. It was heartbreaking to see the Brit laying here all alone in the ic room.

Howard and Bucky stayed in the room having a little chat until they heard the emergency alarm going off in one of the other room. Howard stood up and walked to the door of Peggy's room and peeked around the corner to see from who's room it came. "Fuck- it's Steve's..." Bucky got as white as a sheet.

"No..." Bucky gave Peggy a small kiss on her hand and let go, going together with Howard to Steve's  room. Waiting for the moment where they would hear good or bad news about him.

4 minutes later, all 5 nurses came out and one stayed to talk to the worried friends. "Mr Stark, everything is under control. Long time no see." The young nurse replied at the presence of Bucky.

"Is- is everything okay with him?" He asked worried. "What was the emergency for?"

The nurse smiled. "It's nothing. Mr, Rogers played a little joke on us. He wanted to know how quickly he could get help if he pressed the emergency button on his controller in stead of the help button." She saw how the tension left both the mens faces. "Mr Barnes, your friend is quite the joker."

"So, there is nothing wrong with the fool?" Howard asked, just to be sure.

"Nothing is wrong, he's in the long process of going home. You can see him if you like?"

Bucky nod and entered Steve's room. "Steve you son of a bitch, you startled us! You crazy man!" He laughed when he saw him laying on his side. It had been quite the improvement since he woke up.

"Hi Howard, Bucky." Steve, just as his fiancée, had been laying in coma for the last 10 weeks. Luckily he had been awoken from it unlike Peggy. "I'm sorry about earlier if it made you worried but I just wanted to make sure that everyone was alert during their night shift and they are!" He took a sip from his yoghurt drink. It was the only thing he could eat at the moment, it had enough vitamins that would get him to start gain weight again. "When is Peg visiting?" He asked. "We got a lot to talk about the wedding. When we're home, we can look if that venue in the park is still available that Peggy wanted so much. Just imagine how happy she would be." He smiled. "She'll be my wife."

"Well Peg-"

Howard glared at Bucky and then back at Steve. "She'll come soon." He put on a fake smile. He was afraid what the news would to do him if he found out Peggy was in an even worse state then him. "But I had to say she misses you and loves you."

"That's sweet." Steve smiled in reaction. "Can you tell her that I can't wait to see her and that I miss her and her hugs a lot and that I love her?" He yawned.

"We will." Bucky replied. "Get some rest now. You clearly need it." They said goodbye to him and got to the hallway. "Howard, does he even know why he's in the hospital? Or knows about Peggy?"

"No, he doesn't, he also has no clue he was in a coma for this long. But it's best for now. I don't want him to worry and freak out over Peggy's condition." Howard said with a sad smile. He wanted to keep up the good spirit but truth was, he was going to lose one of his best friends. The steepest price that Bucky had to pay for the safety of everyone and more importantly, was to risk the lives of his 2 best friends. Steve would survive this. The serum would speed up his recovery but if Peggy ever would come out alive? It was a thought he couldn't let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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