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"Ah watch the door it slams..." Niall hushed as I heard a thud the minute I woke up in Niall's childhood bedroom.

I reached my arms out searching the side of the bed that was once occupied by Niall but now empty.

"Niall" I wined with my eyes shut due to a pounding headache. My dad always said I turned into a baby once I was in pain. It was true.

"I'm here love" he assured me with a tired voice coming into the room. He sat down on the end of the bed next to my knees placing a hand on my back.

I yawned sitting up straight next to him feeling my head pound with the motion.

"My head is killing me" I complained leaning my head on his shoulder. His hand stroking my back in comfort.

"I bet" he chuckled "You let the stress get to you last night"

"I know. And I'm so sorry." I apologized cuddling into him more for comfort

"Well it was nice to see you let go and dance on the counter later in the night... like old times you said" he teased

"Oh god I can't believe I did that" I buried my embarrasses face into him more I remember dancing in the counter with Desi. Thankfully close enough to closing there wasn't many customers.

"Well you did" he taunted "You were getting tips left and right. I will give you that one."

I pulled away from his shoulder looking at him shocked. I made a complete embarrassment of myself. And I wasn't completely sober but I could handle my alcohol, I wasn't toast.

"Ok now is when you break up with me right? Just lay it on easy please I have a tender heart"

He burst out laughing. The sound almost to loud for my head but I will never hate the sound of his laughter.

"Or at least have Connor fire me for being a complete embarrassment " I added

"You're crazy" he laughed "And pretty damn cute... although we might have to get you some dance lessons if you plan on making this a reoccurrence. At least you didn't fall into anyone's arms this time."

"Ok now is the time for you shut up before I break up with you" I giggled pushing him away

Instead he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his chest. The smell of his body wash signaling he was freshly showered. I wondered if I still smelled of booze and the thought almost made me gag.

"I'm glad you could let go. We all need to destress sometimes. How about we get you some medicine sweetheart" Niall whispered to not upset my head

"Can you just hold me for a bit? You're the best medicine I could ask for"

"Sure pet" he kissed the top of my head offering me some relief

"Oh what was that thud I heard earlier?" I asked remembering the reason I woke up

"Oh nothing" Niall said with a puzzling tone

"Nothing huh? Sure sounded like something. And you're up way to early to not be up to something. You hate mornings" I jabbed wanting an answer

"I was just packing. Don't worry about it"

"Mmm ok" I hummed suspiciously sitting up straight once again. I was still concerned about him but I let it go. My brain wasn't in the working mood.

"I'm going to take a shower if that's ok. I can still smell the mix of booze and smoke on me"

"Ah the sweet smell of the Mist" Niall joked making me giggle

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