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the moment aera wanted to open her mouth to answer renjun, haechan stormed back into the dungeon.

"you guys need to pauze your triangle love story and come with me. sungchan, it's your father" haechan brought out while panting from running all the way from the dungeons towards the hospital wing and back to the dungeons.

the blood in sungchans face disappeared as he heard it was about his father. he knew it could only mean one thing.

aere glanced at sungchan concerned. "what about him?" she carefully asked the head of the guards.

"the doctors are saying he's having his last minutes right now. you need to come with me right now before it's too late"

sungchan didn't need haechan to repeat his words and rushed out of the dungeons, going straight for the hospital wing. haechan and aera rushed after him, all forgetting about what happened only seconds ago.

time seemed to go in slow motion for sungchan as he opened the door, being met my his family crying because of his death father. he was too late. tears started forming in his eyes.

"no no no no no no no no" he softly said, his knees feeling weak. "please no" he could hardly bring out, the tears now streaming down his face.

eunhye looked up at her brother. she stood up from one of the chairs next to the bed and ran towards him. burying her face in his chest. he wrapped his arms around her.

aera watched the scene with tears in her eyes. she knew how it was to have to miss a parent as she grew up without her mother.

but loosing a parent at their age, she could never imagine the pain of. she could only think it felt like her missing her mother, but 10000 times worse.


aera knocked on their bedroom door, only to not receive an answer. she sighed and opened the door. she saw him sitting on their bed, his face buried in his hands, hair messy. she bit her lip in doubt but sat down besides him.

sungchan hadn't noticed her coming in. he was too deep in his thought to notice anything around him. it was aera who sat down next to him to snap back to reality. he slowly moved his hands from his face and looked at his soulmate with a hurt expression, fresh tears still glinstering in his eyes.

seeing him like that broke aera's heart. she pulled him into a silent hug, feeling her shoulders slowly turn wet by all the tears that were falling down.

"i couldn't even tell him i loved him" was all sungchan could bring out. aera's eyes softened and carefully pushes him out of her embrace, cupping his face after.

"he knew you loved him. and i'm sure he would tell you he loved you too if he could right now" she said, slowly placing a small peck onto his lips.

as soon as aera's lips left his, he looked her in the eyes. "please promise me you won't leave. i can't live without you anymore. i need you" he brought out with a soft voice.

aera nodded at him with a soft smile. "i promise" she knew he was telling her the truth right now and not just say things because he didn't want to lose to renjun. he actually was scared of loosing her too and she could tell.

the moment aera promised him, he softly placed his lips on aera's again. since a long time, she actually felt loved by him again. she could feel the love this kiss held.

sungchan slowly deepened the kiss, moving his lips in sync with hers. he moved his hands towards her lower back, one sneaking under her shirt.

he carefully pushed her backwards, laying her down on his bed as he hovered above her. the kiss broke. sungchan took in everything from her.

the way her cheeks were pink from a subtle blush, her lips plumped from the kiss, her eyes sparkling like the first time they met.

he kissed her again, licking her lip, asking for entrance, which she granted him.

the kiss heated, his hands moving to places that should stay forbidden. aera grabbed one of hands, stopping this. "maybe, we shouldn't do this now" she carefully brought out.

sungchan stared at her in disbelieve. after a minute he sat up straight again, adjusting his neat blouse. he furrowed his brows and got up. and without a word, he left. leaving a confused aera behind.

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