Chapter two

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A/N: Hello hello hello, we're back again with another chapter of Unbroken, and this is where the fun begins as now we revert to present day. Enjoy my pretties!

Dislaimer: I don't own any of the MCU character, just the o/c's that appear. So far only being Eve and Eden.

Chapter two:

(Eden's pov)

Alexander Pierce and Brock Rumlow were both horribly foul men, I completely and fully detested them both so much so that I fanaticised about the ways I'd get my revenge on them and none of them ended with either walking away from it. I was currently being held at the abandoned shield base that Hydra had decided to move into since I gave Bucky the out he deserved, I'd never forget how I was punished after that little debacle. Also the reason I had a guard who escorted me everywhere I went, just like the one who was escorting me to go and meet the horrid, little man himself. I pushed open the door to his office and stood waiting for him to acknowledge me before I spoke, otherwise I would punished.

"Ah Eden, lovely to see you again my girl." His smile as he spoke made my skin crawl but I pushed down my repulsion down and smiled back at him, damn I really was a good actress.

"Hello Alexander, I heard you had a new mission for me." I mentioned getting straight to the point politely, and he nodded picking up a file from his desk in front of him and handing it over. I moved forward and began to take the file from him but he decided that he would caress my hand, I knew if I didn't allow him to do what he wanted that it would end badly for me, I would be sedated enough to not be able to access my powers and I would have the shit kicked out of me, among other things.

"Yes my dear, you are to make your way to the port of New York where one of my contacts will meet you with a very rare and special artifact that we need to acquire in our fight against the Avengers and Shield." His left eyebrow twitched as he spoke of the artifact, I just thought he was going senile in his old age and brushed it off. Nodding I pulled my hand away from his, opening the file so I could read about the mission. "You are to be there by oh-eight hundred hours tonight, my contact will make contact with you at half past the hour." He told me and I stored all of the information for later on tonight when I needed it. "This contact of mine... he's no longer useful to me once you have acquired the artifact." He finally added, I let out the breath I was holding in and nodded at him.

"Of course Alexander, I will comply." I told him, knowing those were the words he wanted to hear, my eyes flickered back down to the paper I was holding ensuring I had memorised all of the details that I needed before handing it back over to him and retreating to stand by the door.

"Good luck in your mission, I don't need to remind you of what will happen if you don't succeed." He told me and I nodded leaving the room and heading straight back to my own. I lay straight back down on my bed and decided I would take a little nap before the mission required me.

~A few hours later~

I awoke in the darkness, confused as I could have sworn I'd only closed my eyes five minutes previous, my glance at the alarm clock on my table told me that was not the case, I had in fact been asleep for four hours. I quickly jumped up as I needed to get myself ready for my mission, I pulled my hair into a tight, high ponytail and stripped of my standard clothing redressing in my black suit and securing my mask to the bottom half of my face. I pulled on my black combat boots to complete my readiness. Only adding the weapons that had been dropped off and left on my table while I was sleeping, my usual ka-bar knife and the glock-19 I was usually provided with for my missions, not that I really used them but being trained in them came in handy when I needed it. I double checked that I had everything I needed before being escorted to the exit where I needed to leave from. I noticed various other agents gathering around the door waiting.

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