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            WHEN YOU WALK BACK INTO THE LIVING ROOM, you watch as Eren works to rearrange the pillows on the couch before grabbing the blanket that Carla had left behind for you to use. His gaze catches yours as he unravels the blanket and chucks it into the corner of the couch that reclined.

The couch is a three seater, but the seats on the end recline, allowing both you and Eren to comfortably sleep on it together without having to invade each other's personal space.

"You can take that side." He nods his head at the spot with the blanket.

"Aren't you gonna change into something more comfortable?" You decide to make small talk as you sink down into the couch after picking up the blanket and throwing it over your lap.

"I don't have anything to change into." Eren shrugs as he lays down on the couch too, keeping his legs propped up since if he extends them, they would have to rest in your lap. "I wasn't planning on coming over tonight. I came here impulsively when I got the chance to slip away. I just needed to see Kas."

"Is everything okay?" You decide to tentatively ask, giving him an opportunity to open up to you. You know everything isn't okay, but you aren't about to tell Eren that Zeke had already told you everything that he'd been dealing with today. It doesn't feel like a big deal to you that Zeke had told you about it in Eren's place, but you know that if Eren finds out, he would throw a fit.

You don't want to give him another reason to curse his half-brother out just yet.

"It'll be okay." Is all Eren tells you. You sigh, scolding yourself internally for getting your hopes up that he'd actually tell you more. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" You ask, surprised to hear him ask about you.

"So the Zeke thing is only messing with my head? Alright."

"Eren!" You gasp when you see him moodily turn onto his side. "It's not messing with my head because I—"

"No." Eren cuts you off. "I don't wanna talk about it right now. We'll talk in the morning."

"You're literally the one who brought it up!" You protest, ready to throw a fit if he plans on acting immature with you. "And I'm leaving tomorrow morning, remember? I'll be gone before you wake up."

"Then we'll talk about it once you get back from Vegas."

Reaching behind, you grab at a pillow before bringing it over your head and chucking it at his. It bounces off his head, and Eren jerks up with a start.

"What the fuck ! — I'm trying to fucking sleep, Y/N!"

"No." You mock him.

"Shut the fuck up." He groans. "Fuck, I can't even look at you anymore knowing Zeke's been all up there."

"He wasn't all up there." You scowl, reaching behind you for another pillow. "It was just a peck."

"Don't talk about it!" He growls just as you try to swing the second pillow at him. He grabs it and yanks hard before you can let go of it, and you go flying into him as Eren chucks the pillow away. You brace for impact against his hard chest, but Eren cushions your fall by also dropping back into the couch so that you're lying on top of him. "Just lay still for a minute, please." He grounds out through clenched teeth as he wraps his arms around you and squeezes you to him.

You feel your body stiffen as the warmth of his against yours becomes explosive. Your heart is most definitely rattling dangerously fast against your ribcage and you can hear Eren's own heart since your ear is pressed to his chest. After you realize his is beating just as fast as yours is, you're able to relax. Eren's arms loosen around you too, but he still holds you firmly enough that you feel secured in his strong arms.

Tether,  𝙚.𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now