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       YOU'RE mindlessly prodding at your low mein with a pair of chopsticks while you play a dangerous game in your head.

You know you shouldn't be thinking about Levi Ackerman and the way he touched your ear, said your name, and essentially told you to get the fuck over your ex. But it's the only thing that helps get your mind off Eren since it's the only thing more complicated than your relationship with Eren.

Sasha sits cross-legged across from you on your bed, unaware of where your head's at since she's completely absorbed by her food. You can't believe just half-an-hour ago, you'd been scrambling to make your hotel room look presentable before she arrived to "talk about things". She'd been able to give you the excuse that the two of you couldn't meet up in her hotel room since her and Niccolo had tarnished the place last night after commemorating their engagement with sex. Unfortunately, you couldn't reveal the things that'd happened in your room between you and Eren and had to work fast to have your bed sheets changed before Sasha arrived at your room with a heaping bag of Chinese food.

Her phone starts blowing up as the two of you eat and this is what finally pulls you out of your thoughts.

"It's just Jean." Sasha rolls her eyes as she sets down her emptied doggy bag to the side and grabs up her unopened fortune cookie. "You're ignoring him, so he's blowing up my phone."

"So you're ignoring him too?"


"You can tell him we're talking, you know." You tell her as you watch her rip apart the packaging of the fortune cookie and pull out the biscuit. "Maybe knowing that you're with me will give him some peace of mind."

"No, you know how he is. He's always getting mad at me because he thinks I'm supporting your relationship with Eren." The brunette girl sighs, breaking her fortune cookie and pulling out the tiny slip of paper contained inside. "He doesn't get that I'm supporting you, not the relationship — If you want a rainbow, you have to tolerate the rain." She reads her fortune. "That's cute. What's yours say?"

You set down your unfinished food and pick up the remaining unopened cookie.

"Love conquers all." You read after getting the fortune out. Subsequently, you scoff in disbelief.

"You don't think it's true?"

"Definitely not." Your response comes quick. "I would still be happily married if that was the case. I don't think I can love Eren more than I already do, but here we are, constantly at each other's throats even though we love each other."

"Hm." Sasha sighs softly, munching on her cookie. You slide yours over to her before she can even ask for it and she beams at you. "Hey, Y/N? Do you . . . do you still believe you and Eren are meant for each other? 'Cause I know the last time we talked about him, you were pretty stuck on that idea, but I feel like something's changed since then.

"Yeah." You meet her eye. "Time's passed since then, but our situation hasn't improved. I guess I'm finally getting tired of running in circles with him —  but," You throw your head back and groan. "I don't know how to stop getting so drawn to him. It's like everytime I see him in person, I feel like he's the only person who gets me and I just cave."

"But he doesn't get you." Sasha reminds. "Babe, you can't argue with a guy that much and sit here, telling me he gets you. The fact that you think that just makes it so obvious how much Eren's gotten into your head. He's made you think you need him in your life — whether intentionally or by accident —  and that's why it's hard for you to let go of him even after everything he's put you through."

"You sound right." You mumble, chewing on your orange chicken.

"I am right!" She exclaims. "You don't need Eren Yeager."

Tether,  𝙚.𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now