(Season 2) Chapter 12: Im just Peter Parker

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I wake up feeling amazing. This was the first time I've ever slept through a whole night without coming home late. I stretch for a bit then I feel Imane cuddle closer. I lay back down and turn towards her and just look at her while she slowly opens here eyes. It's like every time she opens her eyes. Life is just 10 times more better.

Peter: Morning!

Imane:mmmmmh morning.....

She says while stretching.

Peter: So what do you feel like doing today, my queen?

She giggled and took a deep breath.

Imane: Idk, what do you feel like doing?

Peter: Anything you feel like doing.

I say with a smile.

She giggled and gave me a hug. Again, that calming soothing scent from Imane in the morning is so nice. Her arms feel so warm.

After a good long hug we get up, and look for things to do.

We both walk downstairs. We see Rae drinking coffee.

Imane: Morning Rae!

Rae: Morning Imane, morning to you to Pete.

Peter: Morning.

Rae: So... what's on todays agenda?

Imane: We'll we were hoping to see if you had any ideas for all of us to do?

Rae: Nope. I'm just as bored as you guys.

After a bit the other girls joined. We were all thinking of what we could do.

Then out of nowhere Mr. Stark lands in front of our home.

I go out and greet him.

Peter: Hey Mr. Stark?

Stark: Hey kid. Ladies.

They all wave.

Peter: Soooo..... what brings you here?

Stark: Listen, Pete I think we found a way to get your powers back on track.

My eyes widen.

Peter: What? What do you mean?

Stark: Kid, it wouldn't be so hard to recreate the spiders your father made. We'd just need a bit of your DNA.

I look at him and back at Imane and the girls, then back at Mr Stark.

Peter: Hey look. My father destroyed that research and Killed those spiders for a reason. I'm not tying to recreate something my father destroyed.

Stark: Kid this could help you.

Peter: Maybe I don't want help. Ok, maybe I like the way I'm living right now. Maybe, I don't want to be Spider-Man anymore.......I just want to be me. I'm Peter Parker....... And that's all. I'm just Peter Parker.

Stark: Kid, you took on a responsibility. All your enemies will keep trying to find you. When they do, you can kiss this whole beautiful life goodbye.

Peter: What don't you understand about me not wanting to be Spider-Man anymore. I understand that my enemies are looking for me. But we live far away from the city. The chances of my enemies finding me here are slim. Besides, you've got security everywhere around LA. Your also forgetting I'm smarter than you. I'll think of something.

He looks at me and looks down in frustration.

Stark: Look alright kid, your right. I'll leave you be. But just know. There is the option to comeback.

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