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Angel: I'm gonna sound stupid asf, but why is it that school is not making any sense?

Joshi: Reasons why you're failing classes

Angel: I ain't the only one tho, you're also failing at least two classes

Joshi: Yeah, but I ain't failing almost all of them

Angel: I-

Angel: Bitch

Joshi: Whore

Angel: Hoe

Cola: Do y'all two just insult each other all the time?

Joshi: Yeah, but most of the time, we're a laughing mess

Cola: Yeah same with me and sloth, both of us are extremely loud when we laugh especially me

Cola: Reasons why my parents don't understand us :D

Sloth: I think your parents don't like me because of how loud we are

Cola: Nah they said you're okay, the people they didn't understand the most was Sunshine's friends

Cola: Boo and Tiger, meanwhile my parents love that Puppy and Cotton ball guys

Sunshine: Yeah no, mom loves Tiger, but she's herself and loves any of our friends

Cola: True

Tiger: Ohhh wait-

Tiger: You're Lee Jihoon, fuck I'm slow minded asf

Cola: Yeah-

Cola: Stupid ass

Sloth: Ji, slow minded people don't think fast, you quick thinker

Cola: ;-;

Tiger: Cute

Tiger: Anyways, does anyone know how to dance?

Sunshine: Cola's youngest brother does who is also my cousin 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️

Tiger: Anyone else? I know Junpi can dance, like literally

Sunshine: Cotton ball can dance

Cotton ball: I can what?

Sunshine: Dance

Cotton ball: Oh yeah why?

Tiger: Wanna join my team? It's just me and Junpi rn

Cotton ball: Umm I guess, but why join tho?

Tiger: Cause me and Junpi entered a competition and we need four people and we're only two lol

Cotton ball: Ohh mk I can join

Tiger: Yay!!!!

Junpi: What song we performing?

Tiger: Idk, we can pick any song tho

Tiger: But I need one more person

Tiger: @Otter

Otter: Huh?

Tiger: Wanna join my dance team?

Otter: Umm idk, Jihoonie hyung?

Cola: Do it, mom and dad won't mind

Otter: Mk, then i can join

Tiger: Yay

Sloth: btw @Angel ask @S.Clouds to help you he smart

Angel: Ummm yeah okay

S.Clouds: Huh?

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