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Jisoo hummed softly as he knocked on the Lee family's door, the door opened showing Jihoon. "Oh hey." The younger said smiling as he let Jisoo enter. Once the older entered the house Mrs. Lee smiled as he saw the young man look around. "Welcome back Jisoo." She said, getting his attention, "Thank you for having me." Jisoo said, bowing as he gave a small smile.

"Seokmin is in his room, surprisingly," Jihoon told Jisoo who nodded and then went upstairs, and knocked on Seokmin's door. "Come in." The younger said from the other side. Once Jisoo entered he smiled. "Hey." He said, making Seokmin sit up from his bed and let Jisoo sit next to him.

"You're wearing an oversized shirt?" The younger asked, noticing how it was slipping off his shoulders. "Ran out of shirts and only had this one," Jisoo said, pulling up the shirt so it would stop slipping off. He then pulled out something from his bag. "Here are your clothes though," Jisoo said handing them to Seokmin who smiled and placed them in his drawer.

Seokmin then looked around, "So how are singing classes going?" He asked making Jisoo sigh and smile a little. "They're going good, still struggling a little." He said, watching Seokmin nod. It had become silent, it wasn't uncomfortable silence, it was just a little awkward.

Jisoo then looked at Seokmin not knowing what to do. "Um," Seokmin trailed off, looking at Jisoo and smiled kindly making the older feel butterflies in his stomach. "Y'know you look really cute." The younger said to Jisoo who blushed and looked away.

Seokmin chuckled as he then tilted the older's head to face him. "I know we barely know each other, but would you go on a date with me this Saturday?" He asked smiling as  Jisoo giggled and nodded. Soon Mrs. Lee called all of them for dinner.

the demon


the demon
What? Also why did you spell my nickname wrong-

My bad-

the demon


the demon
Give me a sec
Ima make group chat between me you & Cheol so he can also know about this-

Angel added Coups and Josh

Angel: Tell him what you told me-

Josh: My bitch ass got asked out by Seokmin

Coups: I- Are you still at his house

Josh: No...I had left a couple minutes ago, since I had to leave-

Angel: Why? You got nothing at home-

Josh: I generally have homework that's due tomorrow, and also need to wash shirts-

Angel: Oh right


Coups: I guess you're happy?

Josh: Yes-

Angel: Pfft-

Josh: What am I supposed to wear?

Coups: Where are y'all going?

Josh: Lotte World-

Coups: Wear something casual

Angel: ^^

Josh: Okay then!

Josh: Oh btw are you still with Jeonghan?

Coups: Yep- His mom didn't want me to leave-

Angel: She said it's too dangerous- Pls- This is the same woman who made me go out at 12am just to buy her ice cream-

Josh: True-

Coups: How come?

Angel: My dad had cheated on my mom, but at the same time that's when I came out to them-

Angel: So my dad decided to cheat on my mom, because she didn't want me being kicked out-

Coups: I guess your dad didn't take it well by reading that

Angel: Actually both my parents didn't accept it, but mom realized she couldn't judge who I like or love- My dad on the other hand didn't take it well, and I feel bad wishing I didn't come out

Josh: Bitch we talked about this

Josh: It is not you're fault okay? You were ready to come out, and didn't want to keep it a secret with your parents

Coups: Jisoo is right, you were ready, life is unexpected okay? The day you came out, is the day your dad couldn't understand, yes you like guys, but you can't help it...You can't control on how you feel, love is love you can't blame yourself if you like the same gender, hell I like both genders, but am attracted to guys then girls.

Angel: I guess you two are right

Josh: Aren't y'all in the same room? Why y'all texting-

Angel: Pfft my mom made him sleep in the guest room- She don't trust the both of us-

Josh: Pfft


Tiger: I have a question-

Tiger: Min how are you and @Cola related? You two are literally like ten months apart-

Sunshine: Um- I'm his cousin-

Tiger: Oh-

Cola: Chan is my brother-

Cola: Seokmin is my cousin

Cola: My uncle and aunt passed away when Min was 5, he's stayed with us every since then

Sunshine: Yep

Angel: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

S.Clouds: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sunshine: I-

Cola: What's with those Lenny faces

Angel: Huhu

Joshi: Hannnnnnn stopppppp

Angel: No me & Cheol are here to embarrass you-

Joshi: BITCH

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