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the demon

the demon
Jisoo? where the fuck are you?

the demon
dude don't ignore me

the demon

the demon
I'm getting worried

Shit sorry

the demon
Where are you?

Still at Seokmin's house
Stayed the night because his mom didn't want me to go home, since it was late

the demon
Oh okay
Wait, you don't have extra clothes tho

You're gonna laugh at me once we get to school

the demon

When the Lee family, Jisoo, and Soonyoung arrived to school the oldest mentally sighed as he spotted his best friend waiting by the gate. When they all got out of the car, Jisoo found Jeonghan who was texting on his phone, "Well see you guys later." He told them, before walking towards Jeonghan who had put his phone down and smirked.

"Oh who's clothes are those?" Jeonghan teased, before having Jisoo hit him in the head. "Ow, you bitch." The older groaned, rubbing his head a little while Jisoo laughed. When they both walked to class together, some girls pushed Jeonghan out of the way. "Seungcheol is coming, and a rat like you doesn't need to be in his way." One of them said, making Jeonghan roll his eyes and keep walking with Jisoo.

"So annoying." The older mumbled, while Jisoo nodded in agreement. "Jisoo!" Someone called out, which made Jisoo looked back to see the girl who pushed Jeonghan. "What?" He asked, annoyed as he really didn't want to talk to her. "Are you wearing Seokmin's clothes?" She asked, making Jisoo stared at her, before walking away with Jeonghan.

"Why is it when we're at school, we're targeted a lot?" The younger asked, looking as Jeonghan shrugged before bumping into someone. Students gasped when Jeonghan spilled his water against someone. "Oh shit, my bad." He apologized, making the student looked up. "It's fine Jeonghan." Seungcheol said, chuckling softly as he took off his hoodie.

Seungcheol looked then at Jisoo and smirked, "Those clothes are too big on you." He said, making the younger snorted. "I know." Jisoo replied, as Jeonghan laughed a little after realizing it. Jeonghan then looked at Seungcheol who took out his phone. "Do you still need help with your work or no?" The oldest asked, watching as the long haired boy nodded. "So far the only class I need help with is chemistry." Jeonghan said, as he then heard his best friend laugh.

"Shit sorry, I'm still remembering how you failed four tests." Jisoo said, making Jeonghan smile sarcastically. "How did you do that?" Seungcheol asked in curiosity and also a little concerned. "Um, I don't pay attention, and start failing the test, Jisoo is in my class, but he's barely passing." The long haired boy explained, moving a piece of his hair.

Jisoo smiled as he then was looked at by the oldest. "Lasting with a seventy one." He said, crossing his fingers making Seungcheol laughed. "Well I'll see you two in fourth period, if I'm not late." He said as Jisoo tried to hold in his laughter. "Okay then, see you later." Jeonghan waved, and soon they all walked in different directions.

Jisoo looked at his best friend before sighing, "I honestly am gonna fail this class." He mumbled, making Jeonghan laughed and walked into their first period class.


Angel: Found out, Jisoo has a 68 in chemistry

Joshi: I HAD A 71 WHAT DID I DO?

Angel: I think the teacher hates us

Joshi: Ngl I think so too

S.Coups: Y'all two see me at my house, Jeonghan you know where I live

Joshi: FYI teaching me is gonna be difficult 🤪

Sunshine: what?

Joshi: Hello

Joshi: Jeonghan is making fun of me

Angel: I do what I want 😉

S.Coups: Y'all are weird

Joshi: Wait, do we meet you after school today?

S.Coups: Yeah unless y'all have plans

Joshi: Okay, but fyi i got no car, send address so I can walk

Angel: Lmfao we're both walking

S.Coups: I live kinda far tho

Joshi: Send and take Jeonghan on your motorcycle

Angel: I-

Angel: Tf

S.Coups: That's Jeonghan's choice

Sunshine: How far do you live?

S.Coups: Driving is like 10 minutes, walking is 40 minutes

Sunshine: Jisoo, I can give you ride since Jihoon doesn't drive

Sunshine: i don't mind

Cola: don't expose me-

Joshi: Okay then

Angel: So you're really forcing me aren't you?

Joshi: Yup

Angel: Okay then

Angel: I guess I'm going with you Seungcheol

S.Coups: Okay then

Boo: Seokmin where the fuck are you?

Sunshine: Hiding in the bathroom, from girls asking me question

Joshi: Someone asked me if I was your clothes I walked away not wanting to answer

Sunshine: Yup those girls are annoying asf

Joshi: Anyways bye for now

Joshi: ms. park is looking at me and jeonghan

Angel: she can suck it up 😛

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