Headaches don't mix well with big decisions

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My head pounds. I stiffly try to open my eyes only to be met with a blinding light. Oh Cauldron what the hell happened? My stomach lurches as I finally lift my eyelids. I'm settled in bed between Feyre and Rhys both of which are soundly asleep. I jump up as fast as I can headed for the bathroom. I empty the contents of my stomach for what feels like an eternity as I feel soft hands pull my hair back. "I would ask how you feel but I think I know" Feyre's words are comforting as I lurch into the toilet again. Finally it comes to an end as I slump down onto the bathrooms cold floor. Feyre seats herself on the edge of the marble tub across from me. "What happened, why am I in bed with you. Feyre booms laughter shutting the door quickly as to not wake Rhys. "I don't mean to laugh but oh Cauldron was it funny". She sits beside me on the floor.   "You climbed to the roof determined to out fly Cassian, then when we finally got you in bed you kept falling out onto the floor. We figured we would trap you between the two of us." Her voice stops every few words with laughter and I can't help but laugh along. "I'm so sorry" I mutter hanging my head. "Don't be, I'm just glad it's you we had to drunk sit instead of Cass. Besides it was amusing the amount of times you kicked Rhys off of the bed." I wonder of all the stories about drunk Cass. "Come on back to bed for a bit" Feyre helps me up from the floor leading me back to the bed. Tears escape my eyes at the thoughts I try to fight of Azriel, at this new life, this life that doesn't feel like mine. I don't know if it is from the aftereffects of the alcohol or the pure exhaustion weighing down my bones but none the less I cannot stop the sobs wracking my body. Feyre holds me as we lie down shushing my cries and whispering soft comforting words. I'm not sure what I would have done had Nyx not found me, had Rhys not given me a home, a family, a second chance at life. Thinking of the past month and all that has changed the tears turn from sad to joyous, I had found my infinite, in the people I never knew I needed, the home I hadn't realized I had found. 

I must have slept for a few hours because by the time I wake again the bed is empty besides me and a note lays on the nightstand to the side which reads "Bellamy, unfortunately we had work to do this morning but breakfast is waiting in the dining room for you. Now before you get angry at me she promised to be nice so I beg of you to at least try. Don't kill me. Yours truly, Rhys."

Good Cauldron, what could be that terrible? My head still pounds as I head downstairs not bothering to change out of the nightclothes Feyre had wrestled me into last night. Only to have the blissful morning ruined by the blonde demon seated at the table. Mor twirls a wine glass in her hand as morning light shines through the windows. She doesn't bother to look at nor acknowledge me as I sit. "I don't remember much from last night" I tell her. Her swirling of wine pauses momentarily before resuming. "I do remember ambushing you though" the glass in her hand slams down on the table "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, it wasn't the place or the time and I shouldn't have done it". She remains silent for a beat before "No you shouldn't have". No telling me she is sorry for being such a colossal bitch or for causing the bruises on my wrist that have gotten more purple over night. She picks the wine glass up downing it in one gulp. Was I that horrible to be around? I finished eating quickly following her out the door as she went. "We are going to meet Rhys at the house of wind, Cassian and Nesta own it but it's where we hold important meetings. Oh and before you ask, no it wasn't my idea to invite you along". The walk there is silent and at the base there is a small hidden entrance leading to high winding stairs that look to span miles upward. Mor doesn't bother waiting for me to catch up to her speed as I pant my way up. 

Reaching the top I am greeted by one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Large windows, most open, line all of the walls and unlit lanterns made by stained glass hang from the ceiling by delicate carvings in archways. The marble floor is made up of black whorls much like that on Feyre's hands. I am so taken in awe of its magnificence I barely notice a large table at which everyone is seated. Azriel included. Dressed in full Illyrian fighting gear with blue siphons similar to Cassians red ones. I head over to an open seat between Nesta and Amren who look stoic and a bit glum. "What happened?" I ask breaking the tentative silence built in the room. No one speaks up first everyone simply casts odd glances to one another as though holding a conversation I can not hear. "There is something you should know" Rhys begins looking me dead in the eye. "Ok, lay it on me" I say jokingly. "The high lord of the spring court has requested an audience here". His words are low and a ringing in my ears begin. No one had spoken of Tamlin in the whole time I have been here, no one had even uttered his name past what Nyx had told me he did to Feyre on my way to Velaris. "Why?" the word comes out far weaker than I had intended it to. "It seems now you have returned, the tentative alliance between the spring and the night court has him a bit worried. He wishes to apologize to you" Rhys growls the words out as though they taste of poison. "You don't have to see him if you don't want to" Rhys tells me eyes hard and locked on mine gauging my reaction. I take a moment, looking around this room at the people who have come into my life the good that has returned and yet fear creeps in. The cold from blood loss I felt as his dagger plunged into my body. I remember the sounds of Amarantha and him tearing at each other. The screams and cries coming from Rhys, I remember my body growing weak as I went frozen unable to move getting more and more tired until my eyes gave way and finally shut. "No" the word is spoken confidently and firm but it doesn't come from me. Azriel had said it, "Tamlin can stay the hell out of this court and away from her". He doesn't look at me while saying this his eyes are on Rhys practically daring him to challenge. "Az that isn't your choice and you know it" Rhys keeps his tone soft but the underlying message isn't missed, stay out of this. Azriel continues to stare him down "If he steps a foot into this territory I will not hesitate to end his pathetic life and mount his head on the wall as my trophy" his voice is even and after the words are said he falls into the shadows disappearing. "It's your decision" Rhys says without any confidence and a look of fear. 

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