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It's me again
Lucky-chan (o^^o)
This is about graduation..
Let's get to it ( ^ω^ )

So..I graduated early...
I was finished with school on { Dec. 15, 2020}
But I graduated on { January 5, 2021}
Yay, me..
But, I was told
"you and your family will go in and watch you graduate for five minutes then you'll walk out and celebrate"
Because of the pandemic and COVID and everything, of course my graduation was gonna be different....obviously..yeah

So, this is how my graduation went...

• Me and my family got to my school on time
• Was heading inside but the people inside forced us to stay outside because they had to fix something
• Saw other graduates and their families go in and come out clapping, cheering, crying, receiving gifts and money
• Waited forty minutes in the freezing cold and I was freezing the most because I only had a dress on and a gown on with no warmth
• finally we went inside and I grabbed my diploma
• Took pictures
• Had to go to a table, hand them a piece of paper and tell them how to spell my name and pronounce it
• They ignored me and spelled my first, middle and last name wrong and handed it to me
• Then, I told them "you spelled my name wrong", then they lit up with anger and told me to fix it myself
• I fixed my name and went into the graduation room and my family stood in front of the stage as I walked on and handed the speaker my name card
• Music plays
• I walk across and the speaker says my name wrong
• Had to restart, walked back and restarted and the speaker said my name wrong again and I told her how to pronounce my name correctly and restarted again
• She still said my name wrong but I just ignored it and took pictures with the principal with the diploma case
• Went to grab my rose
• They ran out of roses but was rewarded a fist bump instead
• Walked outside, my family took more pictures of me and went home
• I left with my ma and she said "Okay, now I'm giving you eighteen months to have a break from school but by the end of the eighteen months, you need to either have a job or go to college to pay rent"
• Got home and went to sleep
• Next day...felt like nothing happened

So yeah, that all happened on my graduation day
Two days later, two of my friends texted "how'd did early graduation went?"
And I automatically responded "amazing!!!!"
I should've said the truth and said "I don't wanna talk about it......but at least I graduated early..."
but I didn't want to be one of those people that's over dramatic and texts those long paragraphs of every over exaggerated detail and cry every time someone brought it up
So, I decided to lie and keep it simple by saying that it went good even though it wasn't....

A couple months pass
Having more freedom
Having more fun
Catching up with anime's I've been wanting to watch
Finding a job
Finding a college
Not waking up early
Not having to go to school
Not having to see a fight early in the morning or any time of the day
No teachers yelling early in the morning every ten minutes every time a student does something
Forgetting my "big day" graduation
Was kind of....relaxing and stress relieving
No teachers saying "get your work done"
"have this done by the end of class"
"No talking when I'm talking"
"The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do"
Or students saying "you have any lotion?"
"Can I copy off you?"
"You have any food?"
"You're being quiet, what's wrong?"
I just get to be me and do things at my own pace instead of being rushed under pressure to do stuff and then get told I failed or have to restart
Started planning on a graduation party for myself
Invited people to come
Close friends and family
How much food and drinks to get
Updating people on things
waiting for the day to come and continue to plan as days pass

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