Baby shower Jealousy (2/4)

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It's me again
Lucky-chan (o^^o)
This is the more detailed side of why I've been gone for so long..
So my deepest apologies for being on leave for so long
But let me explain
This is a three part story
This one is 2/4 but technically it's the beginning of how it all started of me being gone for so long
So if you want to read more, then continue reading
Cut Out: Masquerad (3/4)
After Party Message (4/4)
Right after this part
And that should be about all
((Warning: slight cussing))
Let's get to it ( ^ω^ )
Okay, let's be caught up to speed and reminded that the story "Baby Shower Jealousy" is connected to two other stories
Baby Shower Jealousy is the first part
So basically, it's one big story that happened on two different days, as well as another story that's broken into more pieces right after that and there's so much to explain that I decided to make three parts for it
But anyways
Let's get to it

So, let's just start off with
Beau (my current boyfriend)
Beau and I are not dating yet
So in this part, we are just friends but the feelings towards one another are there
Missy (My current ex-friend)
Missy is my friend that I've known since the end of 9th grade
Now that that's out of the way
Let's get to the main thing..

So, to start it off
It's 2021 and its December
(((Sorry again for being gone for so long, I know some of you have been invested in my Accept It story 🙇🏻‍♀️)))
But me and Beau have been on texting terms back in 2021 since the end of September
So when December rolled around
I told him about my eldest brothers baby shower and my friends Masquerade party, he asked if I could invite him and I told him that he could definitely come
He and I were both excited to see each other for the first time
He was ready planning on how to pick me up for the Masquerade party
He wanted to roleplay the scene from Spiderman where Peter went to prom

Fast-forward a little bit
The day of the Baby Shower
I forgot that I had invited Missy
So I was a little worried of how she would react towards Beau
Because she listens to Kpop
She's very fixated on Asian's
Specifically Koreans
And I was worried of how she would act towards Beau because he was Asian
I was more worried about what she would say..
We were texting as she was coming to the baby shower
I told her about Beau coming
And she asked who's Beau
And I tell her that he's just a friend that I invited to see my nephew, I've shown him photos of my nephew and Beau's been dying to see my nephew
((Beau's is actually using the Baby Shower as an excuse to actually come see me (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~ but don't worry he actually has been wanting to see my nephew as well))
Missy then starts asking more questions about Beau
"How do you spell his name?"
"How do you pronounce his name?"
"How tall is he?"
"What's his race?"
"When is he arriving?"
"How long is he staying?"
It's as if she was asking all these questions to see if she'll have a chance with him
Like she was expecting me to set them up at the baby shower ರ⁠_⁠ರ
I began to think it was a mistake that I told Missy about Beau
But it was too late to go back
So I answer all of her questions
Except the one about his race/ethnicity
But she wasn't satisfied when I didn't answer THAT specific questions
She then proceeded to sneak in
"Oh, by the way, you never answered about Beau's race"
"What was Beau's race again"
Like just imagine that you're having a conversation with Missy about the baby shower and she just randomly says "What's Beau's race again?"
Like when I mean she's obsessed with Asians
She's obsessed with Asians
Like when you just say the word Asian or Korean
She'll say she's obsessed without saying she's obsessed
She kept texting weird things like
"What if he pulls a Kabedon on one of us?"
"What if he flirts with one of us?"
"It would be crazy if he shows up dressed like a Mafia boss or something?"
"Do you know if he likes Kpop?"
"Does he like you or do you like him?"
"Can you imagine if he had a dom k!nk"
"Does he eat Kimchi or Tteokbokki?"
"Ouuuu, is he a Busan or Dangeu baby?"
(((Yes, she spelled Daegu {{City in Korea}} as Dangeu because of how she pronounced it..)))
But I'll stop with the questions there because it's just more Korean related questions to basically see if he was Korean..
Which he's not by the way

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