Cloudy With A Chance Of Mr.Fall

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Author Note: Alright, I lost my dignity as an Author thinking and writing this shit but who cares right?! I mean they want me to write more? Why, was the story that good? I guess they are really weird cause I am insulting them? Well, whatever. I will just continue to ROAST Them. Welp, Wish me Luck, assholes. :peepoweird: (Wished Discord Emotes works here) And also, anything written between brackets are my awesome comments, I do apologize for this.


Story Recap: The members of the ABA got Isekai'd to a Parallel World, Mr. Fall, What Have You Done?! (I am lazy to write the recap, please read chapter- 1 if you want to know about story recap, also writing this while enjoying free songs with Nagito and Groovy :peepoweird: and the song is "Barbie Girl")


On a town of Lasex, it was a pretty town filled with lots of resources and stuffs, the economy of the town itself is firm. It was a lively environment, and everyone was enjoying their lives on the town normally. But it was this day that changed everything, EVERYTHING!

So some kids were playing tag, chasing one after another then there was this kid, who was not allowed to play with the other kids, though the town seemed to be filled with welcoming people and environment, this town hated this particular kid, This kid's name was Acher. Now Acher, was an orphan who had no parents, recently, this kid was taken care by a man, but that man was executed due to charge of rape of some minors. After Acher's guardian's dead, Acher was left alone at the guardian's house. With no food to eat, Acher would go around the town and do odd jobs, cleaning the drainage, the sewers and all those dirty works that can be named. But the payments were very low but having no choice, this kid continued doing all those works. And right now this kid took a break from work and was watching the other kids play.
Acher's heart broke as this kid knew that having friends was impossible. Holding the tears, Acher decided to go and continue the work. But as soon as Acher started the work, people started gathering and when this made Acher curious, this kid went to see what was going on. Making a way through the crowd, Acher was now shocked to see not only that this kid was hearing strange singing?

"What is that?!" Exclaimed one of them among the crowd, as he sees something falling from the sky.

"Is that a bird?!" Exclaimed one of the women.

"That's an unidentified Flying Object!" Said the other.

"No! NO! The Birdmans! Are coming! The Birdmans!" Shouted an old man, running recklessly around, which scared the children.

And Crowd gasped hard and were praying hard in their Mind! Hoping that it was not trouble or anything that would bring destruction.

As the object came, closer, it was shouting, as if chanting or singing on demonic casting spell, everyone got more scared but due to their curiosity, they stayed where they are and were waiting for the object to come more closer.

If that wasn't a bird?

If that wasn't a UFO?

If that wasn't a birdman?

Then what was it?!

It was none other than our Precious Mr.Fall, and he was falling for real like his name, thus earning the title Mr.Fall,(Okay that was a bad joke. I don't even know why his name is Mr.Fall, sounds gayeously cool Tho.)

Alright, let's turn back the clock and see how he turned up in this situation.

A few moments ago, Mr. Fall was in the chamber where the Goddess brought them, and he peed on his pants? (Classic)

What happened next is that. A magic circle appeared on his feet, beaming all around his hot, sexy body with seven abs. (Self-Proclaimed by Mr.Fall, and I hope you know why I wrote seven, it's for bed time stories.)

He shielded his eyes with his hands from the bright beaming light. Though shielding the eyes, he could still sense the brightness (Mr. Fall, where did you get the seventh sense? Wait your PP? I thought it was small, more importantly just how did you do it?.)

Swoooooosh! Swooooooosh! [SFX Sound effect of hard wind blowing]

All of a sudden, Mr. Fall left as he was falling and could feel hard wind blowing at him!

Mr.Fall, unshielded his eyes with his hands and opened them... what he saw was that..

He could see a 3D Map of some weird geographical lands? He looked at his sides from the shoulders, he could see Clouds?

He looked around again, this time properly.

He opened his mouth to question where he was, but as soon as he did that...

His mouth stretched on a large scale and his tongue was out, and was stretched out and pushed back and it touched his left ear, more like he was a dog who would try to enjoy by sticking their tongues out and putting heads outside the car as their owner drives the car, instead for this guy, the wind was harsh and was choking him literally, And he realized that he was falling from the sky!

'Oh shit! Oh shit! Not this again!' He cursed in his mind. (Mr.Fall what do you mean by 'not this again'? What have you done before?)

Mr.Fall was falling at an enormous speed, faster than light....(Okay exaggeration, but it felt like that for him.)

'Am I gonna die like this?' He thought to himself.

'Before I die, let me sing a song' He thought to himself again.

(Why would you want to sing a song before you die?! Not only that, you are falling from the sky Mr.Fall!)

'What should I sing..?' He thought then one song popped in his mind and he decided to sing but due to falling from the sky, he could speak properly as his face, mouth and tongue were pushed by the force of the wind.

He started singing. (I can't believe you are doing this.)

"Ow Realu wan a fuck!" (TL: I Believe, I can fly)

"Ow Realu wan a fuck!" (Tl: I Believe, I can fly)

But before he could go on, he could see a town but he nearly reached the ground, where some crowds of people can be seen and the Last words that came from Mr.Fall before he blacked out was:

"Ow dun wan a die a Virgin, Fuck!" (TL: I didn't drink that Vodka, Fuck!)

Despite going to die, he remembered that he didn't drink the Vodka he bought while he was on earth, thus regretting and cursing it, and losing his consciousness before reaching the ground that he was about to crash to.

(Is he dead?)

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