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"Zuriñe, stop that! I'm working." Heisenberg pinched his nose as the lady besides him turned up the volume of the alternative rock that first was silently playing in the background. The stubborn woman didn't listen to the lord though and her fingers twisted the volume button even more to the right, the music so loud she couldn't understand anything from what he yelled at her anymore. He was so tensed up since he had started working on his inventions and in the beginning Zuriñe let him do his thing, however, soon she started to become aware of the bad habits Heisenberg picked up from working this passionate. He never slept more than 3 hours a day and began to neglect himself just so he could finish whatever project he was working on at that moment. It broke her heart to see him like that.

Zuriñe dramatically jumped up from her old metal chair and playfully threw it across the room, sliding onto her knees as she sang along with the rock music.


The woman continued, ignoring the frustrated man. He was going to hate her for this, but she didn't care as long as he took his focus away from the dead body for a moment... even if it was just for a few minutes. She made her way to the lord's custom-made hammer that was leaning against the dark grey cupboard next to Karl himself who stopped stooping over one of his newest soldats to tiredly glare at her. She couldn't lift the hammer, she knew that as no other because she was one of the few who were allowed to touch it, but that didn't mean she couldn't use it as an fake guitar. Her fingers moved over the cold metal staff as if they were the strings of the instrument and she banged her head on the rhythm of the earsplitting music.

The jokingly woman shouted from the top of her lungs, singing along with the true artist who was hearable coming from the speakers that were connected with the radio and Heisenberg could pick up her angelic voice from above the horribly loud sounds. He secretly enjoyed the scene that took place before his eyes, but soon decided it was time to cut of whatever was happening and he moved the iron plug out of the socket with his mind, the radio immediately dying out. Karl didn't mind chaos... hell, he even got nervous when it was way too quiet because he always was surrounded by noise, but he had to strictly focus on what signs his invention was giving him and with Zuriñe moving around like how she just did, he couldn't.

"What the hell were you trying to do?!"

"You looked up, Karl... you looked up from a Soldat without finishing it." The black-haired woman panted and sat down onto the operating table next to the new Soldat that would get the name Sturm if he was completed. She looked down at the dead hollow man. His stomach was being held open with pins while the cadou was starting to settle down into the decaying man and his eyes were wide open. She always found it a strange idea, implanting parasites in dead or alive people to control them, but she had no problems with Heisenberg using the technique to build his own army. She could never imagine how he felt. He was stolen from his family at an young age and he himself had been through the same mutation as the other three lords. Miranda had taken away his life and Zuriñe understood that he wanted revenge.

"Don't act like that is something unusual to happen!" Heisenberg bit back aggressively and meanwhile started tinkering again. He bent metal strands around the propeller's chainsaws to make sure they were secured and then he distorted the casing to a round shape making it look like an aircraft engine. The massive shredding device would replace the young man's head and torso so it would be extremely dangerous in a head-on charge.

"Oh really? When was the last time we actual ate together? Or had a whole conversation face to face instead of you humming to me while working on your experiments?" The woman questioned controlled while tying Karl's hair into a ponytail so it wouldn't be in the way if he wished to weld the scrapped metal. She always made him breakfast, lunch and dinner because otherwise he himself wouldn't eat anything and it concerned her. She didn't have to take care of him, he was fit enough to do that himself, but she was scared he would forget to stay alive, like, get actual sleep or food.

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