Meeting Coach

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So, I followed Hinata Senpai downhill and he was as enthusiastic as you can get. He was jumping, having his usual cheerful smile and I was drifting along with him.

"Are you upset, Itsuki??" Hinata Senpai asked me and I didn't want to answer but as someone who I admired so much, I could not help but answer his obvious question, "Yes, isn't it obvious??" 

He saw my face and said, "Are you upset about not being able to play in the main lineup??" and I just nodded my head, no I didn't but my neck moved automatically.

"I get that, when you love one thing for so long and then someone just doesn't let you achieve it, it hurts." He said stopping and looking towards the sky. He understood my pain?? I don't think so even now. But then he started moving again and as always I was moving behind him.

We reached a confectionary shop and a middle-aged man was sitting on the chair reading a newspaper and smoking a cigar. Hinata Senpai raised his arm and diverting the man's attention, spoke, "Coach!!"

And the middle-aged man diverted his attention from the newspaper to Hinata Senpai and said, "Oh, Hinata so how was the practice after your break??"

"It was good, Coach" Hinata Senpai said moving towards the counter and he added, "Coach are you having a fever??" somewhat consideration in his voice and Coach answered, "Yes, it was a mild fever but now I mostly fine and that is why I came to the shop."

Then Coach turned towards me and asked, "So, are you a customer or are you with Hinata??" and I answered in a depressing tone, "I was with Hinata Senpai."

"Senpai? Are you a new first year?" Coach asked me again and I just answered, "Yeah" and then Hinata Senpai handed the flowers he had in his hand to Coach Ukai and Coach exclaimed, "So sweet of you, Hinata"

It was a good moment and then the coach asked me my basic introductions and I answered all his questions. Then he asked, "So in what position do you play??"

I answered him that I a libero. Then came somewhat disappointment on his face and he told me, "But we already have a libero on our team, I think that meant that you will not be able to play on the main lineup, right??"

"Yes." And that again was with a big sigh. Coach then proceeded to ask Hinata Senpai, "Are there any more first years??" and then Hinata Senpai told Coach about Takebi San and how good he is and that he is a blocker but he could very well play other positions as well as his blocking one.

"I think I have heard the name Takebi before." Coach Ukai spoke going deep in his thoughts and that just made me feel more horrible. I think just like in TV shows, Tkebi San can be a genius or something like that and he will cement his spot on the main lineup of the Karasuno team. I would be happy for Takebi San but now was not the time for it. 

"I am not remembering him but I will see him tomorrow and then I might remember him." The coach said still deep in his thoughts and then he moved towards me and asked, "Are you sad because you will not be able to play in the main lineup?"

And again my neck moved on its own and it nodded. Then he put his hand on my shoulder, "It is not a big deal, you will definitely join the main lineup in the next year."

But those words did not comfort me at all and now I subconsciously spoke out, "But I wanted to bring the National Cup this year with Karasuno." Then the coach put away his hand from my shoulder and spoke, "You are one passionate kid but only passion doesn't take you anywhere."

"I will work infinitely harder than anyone else. I promise." I spoke now a tear in my left eye and my frustration of me showing itself and then the coach said a thing which broke my heart, "I am not talking about hard work, but the other factor that most people neglect is luck. You needed to have luck but.."

And before he could say anything, Hinata Senpai stepped in and told me, "Just learn from the experience and help us bring the cup this year. The cup symbolizes the victory of not only the main lineup players but everyone who stands in support behind our backs."

The coach too heard Hinata say this and he then replied, "I wanted to say that you can gain so many things while helping us and that will just make you a stronger player overall. But I think Hinata put it way better than I could."

I somewhat felt relieved. Now my mind was going, "What if you can't play in the main lineup?? We can still bring in the cup" ut still it is not a manga, I can't get encouraging words and just forget everything and move on with it.

I needed time to process all this stuff and it was necessary. I first thanked Hinata Senpai and Coach and then started going home. 

I saw Hinata Senpai still standing there with the coach and I asked, "So Senpai will you not come with me??" and he just gave a no and I thought "Yeah, fair enough. He might have something to talk to the coach."

And then I reached home, took a bath, eat my share of dinner, changed clothes, and went to bed. On the bed I just thought, it would have been so much better to join the main lineup but it is not possible, I get it. I think I will support them much better from the shadows anyways. They play so much better than me, so I should have expected something like this to happen.

But as I was saying this, I had genuine tears in my eyes. It was heart-wrenching for me. But then I fell asleep due to all the running, jumping I did today. So this was the end of this eventful day where my dreams were shattered for good. But some ray of hope was available right??

Ok end of chapter everyone. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter everyone and I am having a blast writing these chapters and you are giving me crazy support. So thank you all. And if you have any complaints, suggestions, or anything like that, type in comments.

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And as always, next chapter coming tomorrow.

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