[5] Color.. Is Coming Into View?

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After I stopped crying my face off Kayla went to the bathroom. I really did it now. I'm stuck with her and I don't regret it. I wonder if it's bad if I can see some colors instead of black and white? Will that affect my atonement? I really hope not.
"Okay Jakob! Tomorrow after schools over for you I will arrive here with the right tools. Better be prepared to hear yourself soon."
"I almost regret it now, but for you, who cares for me, I'll walk through fire. Please don't let me misplace that feeling."
"Sure thing cap'n. See ya' tomorrow!"
She left. So there's someone who can care for even me. I'm surprised, really. I'll just go back to sleep until school tomorrow.
Best sleep I've had since I was little. I feel refreshed. Which is good because if I felt bad that'd be inconvenient. I hope it doesn't contradict with my atoning, but I look forward to today and maybe every other. As long as she's around anyway. I hope I fall in love with her and she does the same with me. Otherwise, this would all be for nothing. Again today I shall grab a pop tart and be happy about me hating you while on my way to school.
Well, I hate you still, but I'm happy I get to see Kayla. I'm walking faster than usual, on my way home, because she will be there. I'm not running because I'd be tired and that would be inconvenient. Now that I'm home I'll eat a pack of Roman Noodles. Incase you're uneducated about that too, they are a pack of dry noodles, which you put in a bowl and fill with water then heat up, and stir the beef flavoring packet into it. I say beef because that's the flavor I got, there are different flavors. Besides the noodles, I'm eating the deliciousness right now while waiting for Kayla.
*Door Bell Chimes*
Ah, it's her.
"How was your day Jakob?"
*As She Comes In*
"Same, except I felt better."
"Oh really? Why is that?"
"Because of you, dummy."
"Really? Aww, that makes me happy!"
*Kayla Hugs Jakob*
.."Thank you Kayla."
"Why Jakob?"
"Just because I care, thank you."
"Don't thank me, silly. it's because I care about you that I'm here."
*Finally Let Go*
"Still, thank you."
"Drama aside, let's get started! I brought this mic, an amplifier, and some songs for you to read from. Pick one and I'll sing it to you. Then you'll sing it back, understood?"
"I'll do my best!"

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