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Yes I'm starting a new fanfic whilst writing another and have one more in my notes😩🤌

Just enjoy and bare with me, if you don't like waiting come back in a year and all three of them will be out.

Characters: my own

Set in sixth year so everyone's legal and at the age of consent in the UK besties.

Anyways enjoy and mwah bestie boos

"Asshole" groaned Bella as she slowly was waking up.

"Get up or I will hit you with the pillow again" said Pansy holding up a pillow walking towards the tired girl.

"Do it and I will fuck Draco just to piss you off" she replied getting out of bed with a grin on her face.

"Yeah good luck with that Virgin Mary" Pansy chuckled.

"Woah that's a bit far for both of you, now fucking apologise" Nyx said walking out from the bathroom pinning up her hair with her wand.

"Fine" both the girls said in unison rolling their eyes and looking at one another. "Sorry I guess" Bella said walking into that bathroom. "I'm sorry too" Pansy replied.

"That's better, now hurry your asses or we will be late" Nyx said grabbing her bag and waiting for her friends causing them to get dressed quicker.

Breakfast was the same old but just a new year and Bella couldn't wait to leave, yes Hogwarts was amazing in its own right but it wasn't where she wanted to be. She was getting consumed with her thoughts of how boring life had gotten.

"Earth to Bella" said Nyx clicking fingers.

"What do you want Nyxie pooh, can't you see I'm trying to eat this wonderful breakfast that they serve us, every fucking day" she sarcastically smiled.

"Stop being such a bitch and eat it" Pansy muttered.

"I swear to god if we weren't friends I would have killed you by now" Bella replied.

A loud noise occurred at the end of the Slytherin table causing the three girls to turn their heads in that direction.

Bella noticed the typical boys, the ones who didn't watch out for others, the ones in their own world and the ones who simply couldn't care.

They were cheering about something that was catching the attention of everyone around them.

"I've fucking had it and it's just the beginning of the year" Bella said rolling her eyes and leaning closer to the group. "Oi, you wanna shut the fuck up so we can all eat in peace or do I have to come over there and make you"

"What you gonna do?" Blaise said chuckling back.

"I'll fucking show you" Bella said getting up and grabbing her wand, before she could do anything Nyx pulled her back down by her robe and sat her down again. "Stop being so hot headed and let them be annoying assholes" Pansy said.

"Come on don't be afraid" Blaise laughed along with a few other boys.

"I hate them" she turned back round and rested her head on Nyx's shoulder. "They are the reason its so easy to like girls, girls like you two" Bella said looking up.

"Sorry Bells, I'm taken and Pansy is so in love with Draco it hurts my eyes" Nyx replied.

"I know I know but for future references, anyways isn't Draco's dad a death eater or something" she quietly said.

"Yeah but so is mine, isn't everyones" Pansy laughed.

"Bellas mum is fucking muggle you dumbass" Nyx sighed.

Until the very endWhere stories live. Discover now