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"Fun" Pansy said breaking the silence.

"At least all three of us will be getting action tonight" grinned Nyx.

"Nope not me, I'm not giving that guy a chance. I don't even know him" Bella explained.

"Oh but you know Jake?" she questioned.

"Not the point" she muttered.

"Alright but don't get mad when me and Pansy go off to have some fun" Nyx say rolling her eyes.

"Wait but doesn't Carlo go to-"

"Yeah but he's coming here for weekends now to see moi" Nyx giggled.

"You go all fucking soft for him" Pansy said nudging her.

"Oi you, same with you and Malfoy. You're so hung over him and you're not even dating, at least Nyx is in a relationship" Bella said pointing at Pansy.

"Bella calm your tits" Pansy replied.

"They are calm" she huffed.

Nyx and Pansy glanced at one another. "Somebodies a little frustrated" Nyx smirked.

"Yeah I fucking am, so what?" Bella said running her hands through her hair.

"No Bella- what Nyx means is that you're sexually frustrated" Pansy said.

"You what? No I'm fucking not" she replied.

"When was the last time you...you know finished?" Pansy asked.

"I don't know- beginning of August maybe" Bella said picking up her books.

"August?! Are you normal?" Nyx said raising her voice.

"Jesus Bella" Pansy muttered.

"We are half way through September, how- how are you even mildly okay" Nyx chuffed.

"I'm not, don't you understand I'm not bleeding alright. I'm getting played around like some pathetic bitch and the worst part is I can't even fucking finish" Bella blurted out.

She looked over as to where Jake was standing and he was walking off with Astoria. "I'm going to get ready for this party and you know I am going to get fucking action tonight and I'm done of this bullshit" Bella said takings her things and walking to her dorm.

An hour later the girls were nearly finished getting ready when they heard a knock at the door.

"I'm getting it, I'm getting it" cried Nyx as she ran out of the bathroom. Nyx opened the door and jumped into the arms of this guy. It was Carlo her long distance boyfriend, they had been dating for nearly two years now.

"Fucking hell I missed you" he said picking her up and kissing her.

"Must be nice, mustn't it?" Pansy said sitting down next to Bella who was braiding her hair.

"Hm?" Bella said looking at her friend.

"That, whatever that is" she said pointing to Carlo and Nyx who were saying their hellos.

"Oh my friend that is called love and it's only what a few people get" Bella smiled. "And let's just say not many people I know get it."

"One day me and Draco will have it, no matter how long it takes we are working on it" she smiled standing up.

"You really love him don't you" she said finishing her hair.

"Draco? Of course I do he's been my best friend for years and I would do anything for him. Same way Nyx would do anything for Carlo, if you would do anything for that one person without even thinking about it, then that's love Bells"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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