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It's been one week here and I did all sorts of work except for editing- exactly what I was supposed to be employed for. As I was just an intern, I wasn't allowed to help the 'great' editor Kim. Forget about "helping", I still wasn't allowed to see him!

SM definitely had very few employees so as I said I did all sorts of work- helping the new idol with schedule and even buying cup noodles for all the employees.

And you wouldn't believe who assigned me with all this work.... Ching. Yes, the 'introverted' lady who sat beside me on my first day. I guess I shouldn't have let my extroverted ass overtake me.

"Yah! stop day-dreaming again and go get me a coffee! a venti, half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one-quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots i.e 1 and 1/2 shots decaf, 2 and 1/2 shots regular, no foam latte, with whip, 2 packets of splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon," Ching completes with a wide grin.

This is nothing compared to what she made me do last time- ensure that her favorite snack bar is on the left side of the refrigerator, grind her diabetes pills into a fine powder before mixing them into mashed potatoes with bacon sprinkled on top, be responsible for her dying kumquat tree, and the best of all: go to her house and have conversations with John, using pre-scripted questions and record his answers.

And please note that John is her... cat.

Walking into the building with my boss's extravagant coffee order, I run into someone I was praying I wouldn't. Suho. Seeing me, he removed his over-dramatic sunglasses and snaked his hand around my waist.

"Heyy, we should go meet my mother. She would be so elated to see you, Lia. After all, you loved her pancakes!" he says with a warm smile.

"Y-yea I g-guess," I manage to say, nudging his hand away. Looking at my uncomfortable expression, he removed his hand and stopped me, looking into my eyes.

"Is everything all right? you look troubled. Is it because of the skinship? I'm sorry, it's just that we were a lot closer back then," he said with a sad face.

This was the problem. I didn't know how close his 'Lia' was with him and what relationship they had. And I obviously couldn't ask him that, for I valued my life more than their relationship. What if he creates a huge scene by telling everyone that I'm the suspicious pervert who came out of the men's washroom the other day!

I resolved to do two things after getting a job in SM; stay out of trouble, and not cause any trouble. And by breaking the ice I might end up doing both and might as well lose this secure job.

I have to be Lia and Leah. Even if it takes to sleep with him cos damn that man got some fine-ass chiseled abs. Ok, imma stop fangirling. And to be completely honest, it's kinda fun acting like a different person!

Seeing Yixing walk past me, I quickly use this as an excuse and flee out. Yixing notices me walk behind him... a little too closely and stops. Once again, struck by his handsomeness, I stare at him in awe.

"Annyonghaseyo, I'm afraid you might drop your coffee," he says with a chuckle. Quickly wiping my drool, I grip my coffee tighter and flash a smile.

"Yixing... isn't this the seventh time we're meeting today? and I'm pretty sure you've said 'annyonghaseyo' all seven times."

No, seven isn't a lot my dear folks. Just two days ago we had a meeting and I ended up sitting next to him... basically, I heard him say 'annyonghaseyo' every ten minutes.

Verifying the location for the third time, I enter the café and search for Sehun. Looking at him flirt with the waitress I quietly walk to the counter and slap his butt hard. Screaming, he turns back and shoots a death glare.

As the waitress stared at us in disgust, I lean closer and whisper to her, "he's gay. He's probably trying to lure you for a threesome!"

Hearing me, Sehun face palms and drags me out of the café. "I sent a new location only because almost all the good cafes have banned me from coming. Only if you wouldn't have said the same thing to every single waitress in Seoul."

Covering my stomach I laugh out super loud and hit his broad shoulders. We've been best friends since college!

Even after all those innumerable quarrels and misunderstandings, I just couldn't live without him, I couldn't spend a day without hearing his laughter so it was always me who apologized first, it was always me who cried first. 

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