sandwich guy?

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As he squints his eyes close I turn and grab my wet shirt. Before I could put it on, someone wraps me in a white warm towel from the back. I see Baekhyun's hand snake my waist with the towel. He pulls me up and rubs the towel over my body. Every rub made him come closer.

Our face was just inches away and he proceeded to dry my hair. With a low voice, he speaks, "noona... will you... "

"Achoo!" I sneeze. Shit. Why did I have to sneeze at this situation? He suddenly wraps my body with the towel and fetches the rose. He extends his hand and before he could say the three magical words, I ask,

"Aww, is this rose for me? That's so sweet. This is such a sweet-"

"No. I'm sitting on one of my knees to practice. I have a proposal scene tomorrow. So I was just practicing," he says.

What. The. Fuck. After receiving six proposals in one day, things made me feel powerful. Why did I have to be so conceited? Why is this happening to me? In embarrassment, I cover my face and walk toward the couch. Sitting heavily, I correct the towel.

"Noona! Obviously, this is for you! I was joking! What's with that face? Come on my shoot got over long back how come you forget the important things."

This chipmunk! I knew the rose was for me! Asshole. I'm not forgiving this little toad. In anger, I stand up from the couch and storm toward my room.

"Oh come on! I told you I was joking! Noona, stop. I need to say something..." he screams and follows me. I nudge his grip away from my elbow and continue walking. I open the room door without paying attention to his words.

"Noona, I want to say something to you!"

Before I could shut the door on his face, he pulls me inside the room and shuts the door behind me. "Noona, I said... I need to... tell you... something," he says in a deep voice. What's wrong with me? Why's my face so hot? As he speaks in his deep voice, his gaze drifts to my lips and he consecutively takes a step forward.

My back hits the back of the door. Caging me in his arms he repeats, "can I say it now?" Nodding my head, I gulp.

"I... wanted to ask... if you'll be... my....-"

I cut him and screech, "girlfriend?" Hearing me, he pouts and stomps his feet. With a baby face he continues, " Noona, I was going to say that!" Looking at his cute expression I hug him and twist him around saying, "pabo! Yes, I will."


Ringing the doorbell, I tap my feet impatiently. He opens the door and looks at me in disappointment. "Leah, what is it?" Suho asks. "Suho, I know- I'm sorry I should have contacted you-"

"But you didn't Leah. It's been a week since I asked you out and-"

"Listen. I've got a gift for you," I say and move away to reveal the figure standing behind me. Looking at the figure, Suho's eyes well up in tears. Two identical twin girls hug Suho and ask the figure, "eomma, will appa stay with us now?"

That's right. Lia was standing in front of Suho. Hugging her he strokes her hair and wipes her tears. Remember he told me about his first sex? It was with Lia. And since Lia had to leave the city, he had no clue about her pregnancy.

Holding a cup of coffee I look at the twins playing with their dad. "Appa, I'm Jun Hui and she's Jun Young." "Sorry. Appa had to stay here without my babies. I'll never let you go and we will stay together forever. Promise," Suho says and plants a kiss on both their foreheads. As Lia and the twins look around the house, Suho calls me to the porch.

With a warm smile, he speaks, "thanks, Leah. I don't know what to say right now. I'm just so elated. I can't believe I'm a dad of two now. I guess I've found my world."


"I can't Baekhyun. Please don't force me. Even looking at the bun makes me want to puke."

"Noona, just three bites. You look so pale and exhausted," he pleads. With great effort, I nod and take a bite. I feel the physical pain in my throat, it forms a lump. "I feel nauseous Baekhyun. I want to purge. I can't swallow this."

As I stand up and try to leave the kitchen, he holds my hand and shakes his head in denial. I leave his hand forcefully and run to the bathroom. Kneeling I stick two fingers down my throat and force myself to purge. Following me, he holds my hair and helps lift me.

This had become a ritual. Every night he would come home after his shoot and help me. Sometimes he would tell me to eat and sometimes he would make me some coffee. But he made sure I had enough strength in my body to go to work.


Pushing the cafe door open, my eyes search for Kyung Soo.


"Shit, you scared me, Kyung Soo! One iced Americano btw."

Bringing the cup of coffee to my table, he removes his apron and sits opposite me. After taking a sip, I open my mouth to talk. "It's fine. I know what you're going to say. I guess I'm not the lucky one. But... I expected you to come by and you know... maybe at least... talk to me. It's fine. I'm good now. And I just hope you're happy with 'the' one you chose. Btw who is that person?"

"Oh, remember you came to deliver sandwiches to my house one day? The guy-" he cuts me and asks "the guy who ordered it?" Laughing I shake my head and he continues "the friend of the guy who ordered it?"

"Remember there was this guy who screamed 'it's a condom?' It's him. "

Kyung Soo hangs his mouth open. Looking at me smile at the thought of Baekhyun, Kyung Soo joins me and laughs. "As longs as you're happy I'm fine." 

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