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It's late at night already... You should have looked at the time sooner but no, instead you had decided to get stupidly high at your friend's house and then insisted on taking the subway back home by yourself... You were walking in high heel boots down a suspicious looking street and using your cellphone's GPS as your only guide to get to the station, but now that the effects of the marihuana had faded slightly, you were getting progressively angrier at yourself for being so reckless...
What if you called an Uber from where you were?
Great! 15 minutes away! Just what you need... waiting for an Uber at 4 in the morning, in the middle of this dangerous neighborhood... one bad decision after the other...
You walked further away from the streetlights so you wouldn't be noticed by any passerbys, seeing as the chances of you getting mugged (best case scenario) were extremely high. Now that you felt safer in the shadows, you relaxed a little bit, but you hadn't noticed the door that was behind you, which burst open with a loud racket coming from inside.
It seemed like some sort of a nightclub, yet there wasn't loud music playing, it was actually a very toned down bluesy vibe, and calm conversations seemed more prevalent instead. You quickly moved to the edge of the sidewalk and away from the door so you wouldn't be seen... Luckily, your attire wasn't too revealing that day, since you were wearing wide leg pants and a long leather coat that you could use to cover any exposed skin in your torso. Under the coat however, the cream colored top you were wearing was cropped over your waist and skin tight, making your breasts perfectly round and anchored.
A few seconds after the door opened, a black haired man stepped outside looking rather serious in his black suit, white shirt and black tye. As you stood in the shadows, you observe his face with much interest. His tall figure and perfect body proportions were only rivaled by his astonishingly beautiful features and big, round brown eyes. His youthful pink lips and sharp jawline made him look like an actual prince, a rather angry prince, but still gorgeous. You were rendered speechless at his confident strides and otherworldly attractiveness.
Right behind him, a taller yet slightly more tanned man followed him with a wry smirk plastered on his face. This one was also attractive, but in a more threatening manner, one that evoked a feeling on emptyness in your stomach. He had full lips and deep piercing dragon eyes, silvery gray hair, a buff phisique, and his presence felt commanding and intimidating to say the least.
-Jungkook, wait, let's just get back inside and discuss this further... -said the taller man while grabbing the other one's arm. His voice was ocean deep and sexy, very sexy.
-I don't think there's anything left to discuss Namjoon... -replied the younger looking one while refusing Namjoon's arm with what you thought to be a sliver of aggression.
-Are you sure about that? I don't think your boss is going to be to happy about your decision... it's a lot of money we're talking about...
-If he doesn't like it, then he can cut the deal with you himself... -he replied nonchalantly.
After a few seconds, the taller man named Namjoon, noticed you in the sidewalk and fixed his eyes on you.
-Oh well well, what do we have here? I love girls with long hair that snoop around... -uttered Namjoon with a sadistic yet smooth undertone.
-Oh I'm sorry, I'm just waiting for my Uber, I didn't mean to pry... -you replied as calmly as you could, but there was something about that powerful gaze and that deep voice that made you  feel uneasy and unusually startled.
The younger guy who, if you weren't mistaken, was refered to as Jungkook proceeded to keep walking away from Namjoon.
-Isn't she pretty, Jungkook?- said Namjoon with a teasing smile, preventing him from walking any further.
Jungkook scans you shamelessly from head to toe, making you feel delightfully molested by his beautiful eyes.
-Yeah... but I've seen better...- he answered with disdain in his pretty eyes.
-Oh come on... -retorted Namjoon while walking closer to you. You knew you should have stepped back at least, but his manly sensual fragrance was beckoning you to stay put. -...look at those pouty lips and the green eyes behind those glasses, she looks so smart... She's exactly my type...
He slowly seized the break lines of your coat and pried it open with seductive eyes, while you just stood there stupefied and dazed.
-Mhmm... so sexy...- he added after sliding his index finger through your chest and into your cleavage.
Your heart was beating exceedingly fast, yet you couldn't move. It was like his dragon eyes were pinning you down as he had his way with you when he suddenly grabbed your arm firmly and  forced you to walk beside him into the club.
-Heyyy let me go! What do you think you're doing?- you finally react.
-I just wanna give you a present for being so sexy...
You try to get away, but he's way too strong, and as you look back, Jungkook is just following the both of you inside with an uninterested guise.
He ushers you forcefully inside the venue, which now that you're looking at it from a better perspective, it seems like a mixture of a jazz club and a casino, but for very rich looking people who were drinking expensive bottles of champagne and talking animatedly around elegant mahogany tables, velvet embossed walls, and dim lighting.
Namjoon continued to drag you to a room in the back of the locale while you resisted, but nobody seemed to care at all, instead they just stared at you with sadistic expressions and mocking laughter.
What kind of a place was this?
As soon as you enter the more private and even darker room he was leading you to, he reaches for a silk scarf from the bar and forcefully tied you to a pole with your hands behind it, while Jungkook just sat back and watched it all happen impassively.
-What the hell do you think you're...
-Shhh... - he interrupted you while getting closer to your lips and pulling a knife out of the breast pocket of his black suit jacket... - if you're a good girl, and do exactly as I say, I won't hurt you... And trust me... I'd hate to do that...
He lifted the knife up to your neck and traced a line over your chest and into your cleavage, just like he had done with his fingers a couple of minutes back, before withdrawing a tiny little pill from the same pocket, and placing it on your tongue.
-Have you ever tried "E" before?- he asked pinching your lips closed with his fingers, before pecking them with his in a teasing yet commanding manner... -Swallow...
In the back you looked at Jungkook with frightened wide eyes, but he was just passively watching the whole thing with his elbows supported by his knees, and his hands covering his mouth.
Was this something that happened regularly in this place? Why wasn't anyone showing the slightest bit of concern towards the fact that you had being dragged against your will into some kind of a sordid sex room, and coerced into taking drugs?
Namjoon used his fingers to caress the exposed skin in your stomach and looked at your belly button with perversion in his steely eyes, making you shiver at his touch. He takes your glasses off and throws them away with no consideration for your eyesight; but luckily, you were just wearing them mainly for fashion purposes.
Weirdly, as much as you hate to admit it, you were finding the whole thing very arousing, and you could sense your underwear getting damp against your core... His face expressions, his Adam's apple, his buff physique, his beautiful honey like skin tone, his dyed gray hair, his bottom of the ocean deep voice... he was just so damn sexy.
Namjoon kissed you fervently, pushing his tongue deep inside you, and biting your lips as you offered moderate resistance, because deep down you had been waiting for it. He tasted like luxury and hellish, raw masculinity causing you your pussy to pulsate to the beat of your heart.
He walked away leaving you breathless and grabbed a bottle of champagne to pour some of its content in a tall glass.
-Here, try this baby, it's my favorite...
He then lifted the champagne glass to your mouth and you drinked the liquid obediently, not wanting to piss him off.
Namjoon observed you patiently until you drank most of it, and then poured the remainder over your top with a slick smile.
-Oops, my fault, let me take care of it...
And he sucked the champagne over the fabric, skillfully teasing your nipples and then looking up at you while he was bent under his own towering height. You tried your best not to let the fact that you were enjoying all of it show, but you felt your cheeks blushing ferociously.
-I think it's already taking effect baby girl... he kissed you again, even more intensely. You could feel yourself getting soaked in between your legs.
-Look down here, you're making me loose it... He slowly opened his trousers and showed you the uppermost part of his thick, well groomed shaft as you felt the Ecstasy kicking in. Suddenly, it was like the air smelled like roses, and the floor was unstable. You looked around the room, and instead of dark and seedy, it looked cozy and tastefully decorated. You were not afraid or angry, you felt good, so good.
Your breathing becomes more labored as a wave of unfounded gratitude takes over your senses. All of the sudden you were in the prettiest room in the whole world, breathing the cleanest air, the music playing in the background, almost inaudibly, was the most beautiful tune you had ever heard, and the man in front of you, the sexiest you had ever seen.
He kissed you again, and now it felt even better. Electrical currents traveling up and down your body and your glands salivating at the touch of his tongue. His plump lips ocupy most of the space of your mouth and you bite them and suction on them with no regard for their safety. He slid his hand down your pants and made his way to your pubis, then your clitoris, then your folds, and finally he tickled the entrance of your slimy hole. You were panting in his mouth, his delicious, succulent mouth.
-You're so hot... - he mutters laboriously.
-Aha...- you answer him in between moans.
-You are swamped baby, does that mean you think my cock is pretty?
-The prettiest I have ever seen...- you replied right away, unable to hide your thoughts any longer.
-Hahahaha...- he laughed outloud and a twinkle of light escaped his fiery eyes. His laugh didn't sound evil this time, it sounded melodic and genuine.
He pulled the knife back out and painted circles around your breasts with it. Instead of being afraid, you rejoiced in the feeling of the cold metal against your skin and moaned in pleasure... You were so turned on, that you couldn't even see straight. You needed the man in front of you to ravage you as soon as possible or you were gonna loose it.
Namjoon severed the cord that held your top together at the front with the knife, and pulled the white lace of your bra down.
-Oh my God, look at this Jungkook, tell me these aren't perfect!
Jungkook now seemed intrigued, his beautiful features kissed by the light of the neon on just one side of his face; but it was still illuminated enough to make you skip several heartbeats. His eyes were fixed intensely on you. You wanted to go over to where he was and worship that gorgeous man from head to toe, but you were tied up.
Namjoon put one of your nipples in his mouth and you uttered a high pitch moan while letting your head fall back. His tongue kneading you passionately while he used his free hand to massage your other breast and pinch your nipple. You could feel yourself edging in front of a cliff while everything in you ached and contorted, basking in the glory of his touch and his intoxicating aroma.
-Be honest...- he said with an intense gaze that sent shivers down your spine. -...how much do you want this dick inside of you?
-I've never wanted anything more!
In that very moment a somber man barged in the room and spoke in a nervous tone:
-Boss, we have a problem...
-Is it Klein?- he uttered while standing up straight and covering your breasts with the lace of your bra.
-Fuck!- he cursed as he withdrew from you and buttoned his pants... - this will take only a second, love.
And he left the room in a haze, accompanied by the nervous man by his side, leaving you deserted and breathless while your juices poured out of you. Why did he have to go?!
A few seconds after Namjoon's departure Jungkook walked over to you. Yes!!! Finally! He was going to relieve you!!!  His strides were as confident as a supermodel's and as he got close to you, his features looked so ethereally unrealistic that you almost had to look away.
He leaned over you and just when you were getting ready to be kissed, you felt his hands untying the scarf and setting you free...
-Let's go...
-Would you rather stay here and be raped instead?
-N.. no... -you said while thinking yes.
-Then let's go...
He took hold of your arm and led you through a back door and into a dark alley yet you could barely walk. You were almost dragging yourself beside him until you reached a black Mercedes that was waiting for Jungkook. He almost threw you inside and hoped in with elegance after you.
-Start driving- he told the man seating in the driver's seat.
You were making the biggest efforts to sit up straight and breathe properly, but all you wanted to do was to get on your knees and suck his cock right then and there.
-Where do you live?- he asked in an irritated tone...
-In my appartment...
-Dear God, where is it located?
-The address! Give me your phone...
He introduced his hands on your coat pockets and drew your phone out, pointing the screen at your face so it would unlock.
You observed as he opened your maps app and typed in "Home". Then he passed your phone to the driver without even looking at you or asking for your permission.
-You are so, so, so handsome...- you mouth completely hypnotized in his direction.
He ignored you and looked forward with annoyance...
After a few seconds he talked again.
-What were you even doing outside at this hour all by yourself?
-I wanna kiss you so bad...
-Don't even try... -his warning resounded in your ears and it made your chest sink in.
You whined like a brat and introduced your fingers in your mouth. Sucking at them and massaging your gums, somehow it was working to control your cravings and not throwing yourself at the beautiful man seating beside you...
He looked at you with a slither of interest, slightly wriggling in his seat before he averted his eyes away from you. You observed him with longing. His hair flopping a little above the wind coming in through the small gap of his window. His side profile, his big doe eyes, his pink lips, his soft cheekbones... everything was so well put together...
The minutes went by and you saw as the car pulled up to your building.
Jungkook got off with an arrogant attitude and circled the car to open the door for you. You stepped out with poor balance and started walking towards the front door. He stayed behind, waiting for you to get safely inside while you scrambled for your keys.
He watched impatiently as you dropped them twice on the floor and walked over to you to open the entrance of the building himself with a note of exasperation.
-You know?, it just really pains me to see how stupid some girls can be... he said as he opened the door for you.
Had he called you stupid? Who the fuck does he think he is?!!! Suddenly you felt armed with this courage that was exuding out of your pores and all those disdainful expressions and eye rolls were making it impossible to hold it in any longer...
-Listen here, pretty boy... I bet you don't even have half of my brain. I have a biochemistry MD!- you blurted out with a drunken, fuzzy garble.
-Well if you're so smart, why did you need me to save your sorry ass in the first place?- he responded defiantly close to your face.
You breathed in his scent, it was like nothing you'd ever smelled before. It was a mixture of musk and honey, of sex and expensive liquor, but with a dash of innocence and romance that floated above his shoulders. You grabbed his collar and pushed him hard against the wall, forcing a violent kiss on him which he responded involuntarily. But after a few seconds, he pushed you back, looking displeased and surprised...
-Oh come on! Are you gonna leave me like this?!- you were getting cheekier by the second.
-Go jerk off or something, I'm not your boyfriend... -he snarled before walking back to his car.
-Can I at least get your number?!
He stopped in his tracks, only to keep walking away a second after...
-No... I'll stop by if I need you.
And you were left there, hot and abandoned, secretly wishing he had left you at that club... at least that way you would have been fucked by Namjoon.

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