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-Noona, are you okay?- Jungkook's question pulls you out of your bittersweet musings.
- Yeah...- you respond wiping a tear from your cheek with the sleeve of your sweater while looking down at the seemingly miniature city you have called home for decades. It's making you think about all the things you're abandoning... and even though it sounds completely insane, what hurts the most is leaving Namjoon behind. Maybe the reason his associates had been taking it easy on you was because he still had some sort of protection exerted for you, but your latest leak of information had been the final drop for them. Or maybe he himself had orchestrated the whole attack, you'd never know; is he hating your guts right now? or is he sad he doesn't have you?
-I'm never coming back home, you know?- you speak after a while.
Jungkook nods and squeezes your left hand and this is all you need to feel like things might end up being okay after all.
-I was thinking of making them believe somehow that I'm... dead...- it sounds so dramatic coming out of your mouth but it is in fact the safest thing to do -...you said you could help me disappear a while back...
-I was thinking that too...- responded Jungkook -... so I took the liberty of talking to a friend of mine who works at a morgue, and he can use a corpse to make it appear like it's you... like you threw yourself in front of a truck...
-Oh...- you reply feeling queasy with just the idea of it.
-They will all think you've killed youself...-
Lana wasn't going to take this easy, for sure, but it was for her own good.
-...I will attend your funeral and make it seem like I intend to travel for a long time... After that, we'll get new identities and start over.- He finished by putting the helicopter on autopilot mode.
-You're coming with me?
-Of course Noona, I love you...
As you slowly start breaking down, your eyes get flooded with so many tears you can barely see anymore.
-But what about... your family?
-They'll be fine, I... you're... to me...- Kookie's mumble was replaced by silence as his eyes also got flooded with tears.
-Kookie... -you pull on the collar of his shirt trying futilely to bring him closer, but his seatbelt holds him in place.
-These past few weeks without you have been hell, I wanna be with you... forever...
-I'll follow you anywhere Jungkook , I love you... so much...- you say between cries as he presses his lips against your hand and unbuckles your seatbelt to make you kiss him.
His lips are heavenly... His tears mixed with yours provide all the proof you need to know you also want to be with him forever. How in the World you got to be so lucky, you'll never know...
After a few minutes of Jungkook's delicious kisses things get heated, making you want to really taste him after so long; but before you can even make a move he pulls away as if reading your mind.
-We're almost there...
-It's a surprise...- he says pecking the tip of your nose with his pink lips.
And just before you look forward he wraps a silk scarf around your eyes to conceal any clues  that the landscape could provide.
-Kookie!- you complain playfully before you notice how the altitude seems to be getting smaller.
He keeps quiet but your hand is on his thigh, which feels like it's made of steel. You squeeze it to the best of your ability, making your loins wring and pop as you sense the air getting heavier. The scarf covering your eyes makes it kinkier and so much worse; you just want to be taken by him, you can't wait...
-Take it off now Noona, you can look...
You do as he says and in front of you on top of an enormous lake, there's a huge green mountain with a snowy top and fluffy clouds hovering above it.
-Kookie... THIS IS GORGEOUS!!!
-I knew you would love it...- he says with a grin from ear to ear as you jump and applaud from the excitement in your seat.
The helicopter gets closer and you can appreciate the beautiful pine trees and the splendor of the otherwise calm glass lake which is now being disturbed by your arrival.
As he gets even closer, you can devise a 2 story house at the top, with a helipad next to it. The house seems to be fully covered by mirror like tinted glass and there's even a pond like pool at the back, protected by glass walls.
Jungkook lands the helicopter and runs to carry you out of it with excitement since the snow somehow only covers a couple inches of his shoes.
You let him carry you out and lay you down on the front porch before he enters the security code on the door to the house while you marvel at the view. You've never seen anything like it and your ears hurt from being so high up, but your stomach is fluttering.
-I thought it would be nice to have a place to get away every now and then so I bought this for us... Do you like it?- Jungkook's voice caressed your senses while you stood before the most beautiful, luxurious yet cozy home you had seen in your life. The floors were made of white marble and there's so much light coming through the glass walls, that it feels as if you're still outside. You can barely understand how it feels so warm seeing as the snowy mountains landscape and the lake around you are so crystal clear. The entrance leads to a fireplace heated living room with white, modern furniture and elegant sparse decorations here and there. In the middle of the room there's an immense vintage area rug right in front of the fire with so many intricate details that you could spend hours noting every single one. To your side there's a dining room area with a carefully crafted wooden table, surrounded by 6 comfortable looking dining chairs, beneath an impressive glass chandelier with rows and rows of delicate lightbulbs.
-I love it...- you finally reply with watery eyes before he hugs you from behind and digs his face in your hair.
-And I think this will be your favorite part...- he grabs your hand and leads you past the gorgeous marble kitchen into a hallway that opens up to the glass walls covered pool, and the view from here is even more breathtaking. The full valley of pine dressed mountains, the glassy lake which reflects the brilliant yet tender Sun, and the abundance of vegetation is seen through this side of the house without any obstruction.
You take your hand to your mouth because you have never seen such a beautiful place in your life, but next to you there's something even more beautiful. The sight of Jeon Jungkook gorgeous side profile with beams of sunlight coming through his skin; making him look like some sort of deity who just came down from heaven.
The steam from the pool in front of you becons you to get closer and remove your coat, which Jungkook takes to set it down with his on a lounge chair. This reminds you of the time the both of you went to the woods and made love in that jacuzzi, but so many things have happened since then that you actually feel nervous about the idea of making love with him again. You went back to Namjoon, had sex with Jimin... He dated that girl from his old job and who knows what else... which prompted a feeling of resentment in your stomach that erased the smile from your face.
-I know we've been through a lot... and I caused you a lot of pain...- Jungkook started out but you interrupted him:
-I caused even more in retribution... so much so that I'm not sure I deserve any of this...
-I was no saint either...
You walked away fearing too much information was going to be revealed but thankfully he didn't provide more, because you didn't think you could take it.
-Besides Namjoon, did you see anyone else when we were apart?- he finally continued...
-Jimin... just once, that day...
You could feel Jungkook's feelings crashing into the ground but you didn't dare look at him.
After a while of neither of you speaking or looking at each other, you sat at the edge of the pool and pulled up your dress to submerge your feet in the warm water. A few more silent minutes went by and you removed your shirt and sweater to submerge fully. Your dress clung to your body as you emerged the upper half of your body and signaled him to come inside.
He wiped his tears from his angry face to take his shirt off, then his pants, shoes and his underwear to reveal his naked body as he walked towards the descending steps into the pool. Such a breathtaking sight.
-Were there many?- you asked once he positioned himself in front of you.
-No...- he said at once -...I realized very soon that no one would get you out of my head...
You laid a hand in his chest with tears in your eyes trying to push all the resentment away while he seemed to be trying hard to do the same, but it would take time. You hadn't realized it yet, but there were some wounds that still needed healing.
You hugged each other in the warm water for a long time until the sunset came, and arrived to the resolution that after this day you would never speak again of the past.

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