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You're dragged outside the room by a bloody Jin who looks livid, but you can't even dare to look at him. His beautiful nose was broken because of your stupidity, and he had all the right to be mad at you.
-I'm so sorry Jin, I should have known he would pull something like that, I'm an idiot...
-Stop apologizing, it's insulting...- he snaps back while you lower your head so low you're almost bent in a straight angle.
-I'm so stupid...
-I'm trained for this kind of thing, I guess I underestimated him...- he answers in a more benevolent tone -...I guess I did because he hasn't sent anyone to hurt you yet...
-He hasn't?- you ask.
-No, I'm sure.
-Why do you think is that?
-Either he still has feelings for you or he wants that privilege reserved to himself...
At the sound of those words your throat dries up and your stomach tugs itself nervously.
In the distance you observe a young female agent walking at a fast pace towards you, beside non other than Min Yoongi.
When she was close enough she opened her eyes wide and they seemed to sparkle at the sight of the broken nosed Jin. She looked at you with disdain and averted her eyes.
-Sir, I heard about what happened...- she seemed worried but managed to sound extremely professional -...please allow me to bring you to the medical personnel, you can't drive like this...
-I'm okay Eve, it stopped bleeding...
-You can go Jin, I'll take her home... - Yoongi interjected with his usual cold demeanor.
-Yes, please go, I'm sorry Jin...
After some back and forth Jin was persuaded into going with the satisfied Eve by his side and a few minutes later you were once again ushered cooly into Min Yoongi's black car.
-How's everything?- it never ceases to amaze you how little Yoongi's words match his expressions. Here he was asking politely about your well-being, yet his appearance and reputation preceded him.
-Oh... uhm... fine...- you responded mechanically, not knowing where to even start if you were to be honest.
He glanced with interest at you with his deep steely eyes and you couldn't help but admire how hot he looked while driving.
-How's uhm... work? -you asked out of politeness but hoping he would dodge the question entirely.
He grinned almost devilishly and cocked his eyebrow:
-You don't wanna know...
-Yeah...- you chuckled nervously and proceeded to unlock your phone to busy yourself with something.
-You look nice...- he noted after a few seconds and his forwardness took you by surprise, so much so that your heart skipped at least 3 beats consecutively.
-Oh... thanks, you too... - the moment you said  those words you regretted them intensely, what the hell where you thinking?
He grinned and seemed pleased with himself, not to mention extremely sexy.
His phone rang and you thanked all possible deities in the World because you weren't brave enough for whatever would have followed up, and apparently your verbal diarrhea was at its peak today.
He talked vaguely for a few minutes with the person that had called him while you devised a way of skewing his advances as intelligently as possible.
You were pleased when the car had reached your building only a few seconds after the call ended and started getting ready to get out.
-Listen, I was thinking...- he started off what you already suspected he was about to say.
-I'm sorry, can we talk some other time?, I don't feel very good...- you cut him off as a precaution and got out of the car hastily.
-Sure...- he responded seemingly unbothered and you thanked him for the ride, before walking hurriedly to the front door of the building. Sure, he was attractive, but you didn't need another man in your life, and much less this one.
After a full week of boredom you receive a call from Namjoon that sends chills to your spine. All he said was that he was thinking about you and that your punishment was coming in a few days, just before hanging up, but you couldn't tell what he had meant. He didn't sound as upset as before, but his tone was definitely malicious. Stupid jerk... why did you have to get involved with him? You couldn't figure out if you were supposed to be afraid or excited about this upcoming "punishment".
A few hours of mulling it all over and you were psychologically exhausted. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that there wasn't anything going on in your life at the moment, but your brain was metaphorically climbing up the walls in more than one way.
Lana suggested a night out, and the idea sounded like heaven given the current climate. Sure, it was risky, but Jin himself had said that no one had tried hurting you, why would it happen today out of all days? In any case, if Namjoon wanted to come for you, he would find the way to do it wherever you were, and no amount of security would make much of a difference; you were sure about that.
After a long debate Jin had agreed to let you go as long as 3 guards besides himself could follow you everywhere, and a tracker device was implanted in your clothes; but that seemed like a small price to pay for a night of freedom, and hopefully some social interactions. You dressed in the sexiest, most expensive red dress you could find in your closet, while still remaining tastefully stylish, and draped yourself in accessories that weren't too overwhelming, yet telling of the fact that you weren't afraid to make a statement. At least not tonight...
Lana looked equally beautiful, dressed in a navy blue velvet mini dress and her long, wavy brunette locks almost seemed to float in mid air, as she jumped up and down from the excitement.
-Babe, if you weren't my best friend I would be all over you right now...- you said on your way out and you caught a glimpse of Jin slightly nodding after your comment.
You whispered Lana about your suspicions and her eyes seemed to flip from brown to intense red. You couldn't blame her, Jin always looked handsome, but tonight specifically he was a true snack, dressed in a tight black suit and his hair slicked back. Such a gorgeous man...
As soon as you arrived in the club you both headed to the bar to get as drunk as possible, an activity you hadn't partaken in for centuries it seemed, and Lana kept glancing at Jin jealously while a gorgeous woman was approaching him.
-The fuck?! We just walked in!- she protested as you nudged her with your elbow.
-Go mark your territory...- you encouraged her while throwing back your second shot.
-Are you sure? I don't wanna leave you alone...
-Lana, me and my friend here are having a wonderful time... -you responded before the male bartender seemed to awaken from a dirty dream with a jolt.
She said "ok, are you sure?" and darted towards Jin before you could answer with an intense look on her face, she meant business tonight and no other girl was going to stand in her way.
When you were left alone, the suspiciously young looking bartender started to strike a conversation; but you weren't really paying attention since the music was getting so good that your body was aching to hit the dance floor, so you apologized while throwing the third shot back and marched to the center of the crowd like the Pied Piper himself was beckoning you with his flute.
After a few seconds of you giving in to the rythm, the atmosphere seemed to get heavy and a familiar scent entered your nostrils. The people around you had turned their necks to observe as the unreal looking Park Jimin approached you and your heart seemed to have completely stopped at the sight of his alluring eyes and sexy silhouette. It was in this moment that you knew that caution was gonna be thrown in the wind; he was gonna make you his and there was NOTHING you could, or would do to stop it.
He had his usual sly smirk plastered on his angelic face and his plump, red lips opened up to say his hellos while you were unavoidably already getting your panties wet. There was something about that smile that was so debilitating that you seriously doubted anyone's capacity to be able to resist him.
-Look who we have here...
-Hi there...- you responded with anticipation.
-I haven't seen you in forever but I heard your boyfriend is in jail... and that you yourself put him there...- he said smoothly whille getting very close to you.
-Yeah, it's a long story...- if he was referring to Namjoon as your boyfriend he probably had never found out about your relationship with Jungkook, but you weren't going to tell him either.
-So he won't try to beat me up again for kissing you right?
-I...- you didn't know how to answer that question, but it dawned on you that Namjoon might actually do just about everything and worse to make you pay, so you pulled away.
-It's ok, I don't really care...- responded the blonde heartthrob while grabbing your chin and presenting his tempting lips in front of yours.
In that moment one of the security guards who had been watching you closely from behind Jimin introduced his hand in his jacket with a menacing expression.
-No!- you exclaimed reassuringly -...I know him...
Jimin looked back exposing his sharp jawline and directed indifferent words toward your security guard:
-I can take care of her...
-Jimin, seriously, I don't want to put you in danger...
-Princess, don't underestimate me, If I say I'll take care of you, I'll take care of you...- he purrs even closer to your mouth making your knees shake and your insides convulse... Why did he have to smell so good?!!!
-I want you so bad Jimin, but...- you purred in his ear as well, making him throw his head back, and in an instant you digged your fingers in his hair to pull his face against yours and kissed him hard, like your life depended on it. Jimin answered with the same desire, making you moan and squirm with the sweet metallic taste of his delicious lips in your mouth. His serpentous tongue writhed inside your mouth, intertwined with yours while you could feel yourself drooling and panting beneath his heavenly breath, wishing to tear him out of his clothes as soon as possible.
-Feel how hard you've made me...- said a possessed Jimin in your ear while bringing your right hand to his rock solid member.
-I don't even know if they'll let me go with you...- you said while discretely cupping his bulge and feeling your mouth water.
-They can wait outside...
He grabbed your hand and started walking towards the back of the club where you noticed Jin presence followed by a disgruntled looking Lana.
Jimin grabbed your waist and invited you to enter a black door that led to a very fancy looking lounge with silk dreamy curtains and see through drapery all over the velvet seating that filled the room...
Jin made a gesture to indicate that he was also going in, following Lana's confusion, as Jimin looked at him before opening his mouth to speak; and in that instance, a thought crossed your mind.
You didn't know if it was the tequila or the weed you had smoked in the car on your way over, but something beckoned you to lay a hand on Jimin's chest before he looked down at you with interest and you said:
-Let them stay, they'll be quiet...

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