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You hated him so much.
You hadn't been able to stop thinking about him, getting wet every time you remembered his full gorgeous lips, lusting about his shameless, yet elegant smiles; and at the same time, you were repulsed by his career choices.
This was not the type of man you get involved after you're a grown woman. Why couldn't he understand that all you wanted was a one night stand? Ok, maybe a couple of times more, but that was it.
Then you remembered Jungkook's warning. You were so pathetic...
Namjoon called you at 8pm but you hung up on him. He called you again and you hung up on him. It happened a couple more times until you finally resolve to get dressed and drive to your best friend's house for some distraction, hoping he wouldn't turn up there "accidentally".
You were laying by the fire and talking all kinds of nonsense while drinking wine...
-Girl, that daddy from yesterday, that's your best acquisition to date...
-Hardly...- you replied apprehensively -...he's hot and all, but he's a piece of shit...
-Really? He seemed so sincere...
-It's all an act, he's a sociopath...
-You still haven't told me what happened between you two...
-We had sex and got high, that's it...
-But why is he a sociopath?
-I don't wanna talk about it right now, maybe some other day...
You got up and walked to the balcony of her apartment to check your phone, finding 10 missed calls from Namjoon. Why doesn't he get it?
Then he sends you a long message:
-I'm going to let you take the day off baby, but please tell your buddy Jungkook that I no longer have interest in working with his competitors. As for mine, they're a thing of the past. I'm the only one standing now. And one more thing, you better not fuck him or you'll be terribly sorry about it.
You drop your phone to the floor, terrified.
How does he know?!
Your hands are shaking and you can't process anything anymore.
Had he killed all those people?
This wasn't a laughing matter anymore, he was actually a murderer. What had you gotten yourself into?
You reach for Jungkook's business card only to remember that it was only his office number, but you still phone it either ways in case he had stayed up late.
After many rings you're pleasantly surprised to hear that he's actually there, so you tell him everything in Namjoon's message.
-I see...- he replies somberly
-Is he really a murderer?
-Well yes, what did you think? These people are at each other's throats all the time...- he replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
-Oh my God, I'm in deep shit... -you feel your heartbeat getting faster -...He has this fixation with me, he won't leave me alone...
-I'm sorry... -he adds regretfully -...you could always try and disappear for a while... I seriously doubt he would chase you all over the world.
-Yeah, you're right... I'm just the new toy...
-If push comes to shove I know people that can get you a new identity.
-Doesn't that seem excessive?
-Yeah, buy just so you know...
-Thank you Jungkook, I really appreciate all your help...
-No problem... just... lay low for a while, maybe he'll get tired... Take some vacations...
-Yeah, I was thinking of doing that... I wish I could thank you in person... -you brave on with low expectations.
-Sure... -he responds casually -...I'll let you know when something opens up in my calendar.
You were stunned that he was being so nice. Yet at the same time, he wasn't exactly the best role model either, so you wished you hadn't even proposed the idea to him. But he was just so delicious, you would just blurt out whatever came to your mind without really thinking it through.
You said your goodbyes and decided to spend the night at Lana's, since Namjoon "had given you the day off" after all. It sickened you that he thought you were his property.
He was right to think that you were scared shitless of him, but deep down you knew that with every word he said, every thing he did, every time he asserted his dominance, not only towards you, but towards his enemies, you became hungrier and hungrier for him.
The next morning arrived and you had returned home to feed your pets and catch up on some work. Namjoon hadn't called you again but you knew it was a matter of time. After you had lunch and spent some time in the couch with your beautiful ash gray cat Sam, it was time for Henry's walk, so
you grabbed a leach and headed out with him. Your feet instinctively led you to the park you had seen Namjoon a few days back and after a few hours of you being there, you hated yourself for actually hoping he would show up. You looked at your phone screen to find no missed calls or texts from him, your throat getting dry and a sense of emptyness forming in your stomach.
When you went back home that night, you took sleeping pills and drifted off to sleep early, hoping that the time would wash away the feeling of cold turkey that Namjoon's absence was generating. Not only that, it was the first day in almost a week you had been completely sober in its entirety. Maybe he had given up? What if he had been hurt? You stopped yourself in your tracks, this was exactly the reason why it was such a bad idea to get involved with someone like him.
When you woke up the day after that, the sheets were damp and your body was sweating. You had dreamed about him touching you, whispering in your ear, laying in bed with you and fucking you while spooning you. It was torture, you needed to see him, you needed to get your fix.
Without giving it too much thought, you got dressed and headed out for his club. You doubted he was even there, but you had to try at least since you had decided it was the last time you intended to see him.
When you got there, the door was locked of course, so you banged on it loudly. You were met at the door by a huge man with an intimidating presence but you mustered all the courage in the world and explained who you were. He responded with a smirk and made way for you to enter.
As soon as you did, you where startled to find the sight of Namjoon and two other men sitting at a booth with stern expressions and talking in low decibels. By Namjoon's every side there were 2 sparsely dresses women eating him up with their eyes and hugging him. He averted his sight from his group and fixed it on you.
You rolled your eyes feeling more pathetic than ever and turned your back ready to leave, but before you reached the door his strong hand was holding you captive.
-My love, I didn't know you were going to stop by...
-It was a stupid mistake...- you respond shortly.
-They're nothing to me...- he explains calmly.
-I don't care... do whatever you want...
-I swear I don't even kiss them...- this time the slight desperation in his voice amused you for a minute.
-You don't own me explanations, Namjoon... - you replied gathering as much coldness as you could.
-I didn't even fuck them!- you had to admit, it was a little endearing the way his eyebrows were raised and his voice was getting progressively higher.
-So they're just here as... decoration? -you replied with dry humor.
-I do need some type of entertainment when you blow me off like you did yesterday...
You huffed and yanked your arm out of his grip, chuckling at your own stupidity as you made your way out the door.
Namjoon hurried his pace to turn your torso towards him when you had already reached the sidewalk.
-Let me make it up to you... I'll be at your place in 3 hours. I need to finish this meeting first.
-Don't bother, really, I was just coming to end things... -you replied calmly.
-You better be ready when I get there... -he replied with a menacing yet dulcet tone.
You sighed and continued walking away from him, your throat was knotted but the feeling of excitement was fully awakened in you.
The afternoon was gorgeous... Orangy flashes of light were making their way through your windows and you were dressed already. Cream colored wide and flowy pants, a leather belt and a cream, cropped, skin tight sweater adorned your body with effortless elegance. Your long hair was wavy and messy and not many accessories were taking away from your graceful appeal, but you couldn't help but feel shame for how much you longed to see Namjoon. What if he didn't show up?
In that precise moment the doorbell rang making you walk briskly to let him in, you wished you were better at pretending you didn't care.
He was wearing his usual expensive, yet tasteful clothes and a small bag that said Cartier in his hand.
-Hi my love... -he greeted you with a smile, followed by a kiss that sent chills to your core.
-You look ravishing as usual... -he interjected while pulling a velvet jewelry box out of the bag.
-Thanks, we need to talk...
He opened the box and drew a diamond and pearls bracelet out of it, before clasping it to your wrist with delicacy.
-Why don't we talk later love? I want to show you a place you probably haven't seen yet.
The bracelet felt heavy on your wrist but it was gorgeous, it had 4 rows of pearls and the clasp was studded with diamonds. You had never been given something so expensive and unique.
-It's really beautiful Namjoon...- you retort immediately -...but I don't need you to give me any gifts, especially not ones bought with dirty money.
-It's not dirty my love... I have many business ventures besides the one you know about.
You looked down at the breathtaking piece of jewelry regretfully...
-Come on, you're gonna love this place, it only opened a week ago... -he seized your hand and dragged you, making it hard for you to grab your keys and clutch from the entrance table, but you made it just in time. He gently placed his hand on your waist and guided you down the stairs while you looked at him, noticing that even while wearing heels, you could barely reach his jawline. He was so painfully sexy and commanding, that the word "daddy" decidedly came to mind.
The both of you spent the afternoon in a museum hidden in an old part of town, talking and debating about contemporary art and literature. You were surprised to learn that he was extremely more versed and cultured than you in many topics. His vocabulary was extense and his comments were deep and insightful. If you didn't already know who he was you could have easily mistaken him for a Professor or an art critic.
After that, you walked along the bridge lookout while conversing serenely and eating ice cream cones. He looked so peaceful and calm, and a little bit clumsy too since he would stain his face with ice cream every other minute. You couldn't help but laugh and wipe the cream out of his face caringly every time.
He kissed you softly yet temptingly when the sun was setting in the west, but you broke the kiss after a few seconds since it was getting way too romantic for your liking.
-Do you want to have dinner? I know a place around here that you'd love... - he said with a soft smile.
He walked you to a small french bistro and sat near the windows where he stroked your back while waiting for the order. You wished he wasn't so tender and attentive towards you because you were finding it pretty hard not to make excuses for him.
-Namjoon, how many people have you... you know... ended?- you asked rather abruptly.
-I'm not some unreasonable murderer like you might think...- he said in a low voice while checking that no one was around to hear him... -I only do that as a last resource, and in this last case, they were the ones who came for me... Naturally, I was more prepared and capable of foreseeing everything.
-You make it sound like it's not a big deal...
-I know it is... I just do this because it was forced upon me. I didn't grow up dreaming about being a mafia boss; I inherited the business...
-You could always quit...
-It's not that easy...- he huffed with a benevolent smile... -but let's talk about something else, tell me something I don't know about you.
-I dream about quitting my job and moving abroad sometimes...
-Really? What's stopping you?
-I don't know I just... I'm afraid I would get bored of it eventually and I would want to come back to the city...
-You definitely would, especially after knowing I'd be waiting here... -he took a sip of his wine with a smirk.
The waitress arrived with your dinner and as she bent down to place your plates in front of both of you, you noticed how her cleavage exposed her breasts significantly more than when she had taken the order earlier. Namjoon simply simpered and averted his eyes while regretfully shaking his head in the opposite direction.
-I hate when women are that needy... -he uttered when she had already gone away.
-Yeah, you rather force them into fucking you...- you replied sternly.
-I told you, I never do that. That night I don't know what came over me... The way you were looking at me, it just... -he wispered into your ear while sliding a hand over the small gap of exposed skin in your stomach -...you're so special, hot, breathtaking...
You could feel dampness collecting in your underwear as he continued to wisper in your ear. You noticed the waitress looking at you with an envious expression, soon becoming a scandalized one when Namjoon grazed your nipple and you just smiled wryly in her direction. He then took his hand out to feed you your dinner making you feel so powerful, while the waitress seemed practically stupefied by the spectacle.
That night you came back to your place and he undressed you in a heartbeat. The sexual inuendo that had been building all day had been enough for you to know how much you needed the hunk in front of you to split you in half.
-I love your place, it's very... detailed... just like you...- he said while removing his clothes with urgency and putting you in you in your knees.
You gladly abide and open his pants in a rage to place his thick veiny cock in your mouth.
-Should we close the windows babe? There's a guy looking at us from the building across the street- said Namjoon while moving your hair out of the way and looking down with a veiny neck.
Then you remembered what it had felt like when the waitress was looking at you. That sensation of power, that feeling of being the center of attention...
-Let him... -you respond in between gags before Namjoon laughs in mirth.
-I made a good choice with you, baby girl. You're a complete psycho...
He was right, with every second you spent around him your mind would incite you to do things that were becoming more and more depraved, and he would just bask in the glory of you, celebrating your every move.
His cock was so deep inside your vocal cavity that drool was pooling out in the carpet, while Namjoon laughed maniacally and bit his lips.
Then you walked backwards towards the bed, which was surrounded by even more open windows, and you laid on your back, before taking a hit of the marihuanna pen that was laying on the sheets.
-I swear to God I'm going to split that pussy in half if you keep that up... - he said as he walked towards you, with his plump muscles and his gorgeous shaft bouncing with every step.
-You do what you have to do, Daddy... -you both laugh in unison, partly because you were embarrassed at the way in which you had decided to refer to him and partly because you kind of like it.
He pulls your thighs towards him with pent up aggression and stretches you open with his large, swollen member, slowly gaining speed as he thrusts into you. You groan and take another hit of your pen, this one finally doing the trick, making you scream and moan when Namjoon finally starts ramming into you like a wild beast.
-Choke me, Daddy!- you wine toward him, and he pleases you.
He places his hand on your neck, leaving you out of breath and then releasing you. Then he used both hands before squeezing your cheeks with one of them. He gives you tiny but firm slaps across your face, which are enough to send you over the edge, as you use one hand to masturbate and the other one to pull his hair.
Soon enough you're wailing his name and clenching your walls around his cock, making your juices spew out all over him. The pleasure hitting you in waves strong enough to power a dam. Namjoon straightening up, moaning your name and calling you a little slut, squinting as his face and tanned body get painted with drops of his diamond like sweat...
-You're insane my love...- he utters without decreasing his speed, but now he's teasing one of your nipples...
-You bring out the worst in me...
-More like the best...- he responds salaciously and you notice how his pecks twitch slightly and his face gets angrier and angrier. It's such a good visual, you don't blame all the women who constantly throw themselves at him.
You twist your head to look through the windows when you notice your neighbor from the building across the street stroking himself laboriously and you laugh devilishly. He actually looks a little bit cute.
Namjoon notices you and cocks your head back in place tutting disapprovingly.
-I'm a very jelous man, princess... Don't make the poor fellow's life shorter...
Then he moves his thumb to your core and teases your clitoris with his thumb, to which you bite the sheets in response.
-Daddy you're gonna make me cum again!
-Cum for me baby girl, I wanna be showered in your juice.
You grab both of your breasts and squeeze your nipples, causing you to break open with a painful spurt of high pitch moans and making Namjoon's white gold fill you up in between low sobs and cries.
But it doesn't stop there, he flips you over and starts feasting on your ass for the longest time, then patiently stretching it open with both of his thumbs, to finally place the head of his rock hard cock at the entrance of your anus.
-Just the tip, baby... - you implore with fearful eyes...
-The tip baby, of course, I'm not a monster... - he replies with a metallic shine and a sickly hue in his eyes.
He spends the rest of the night stretching you open and sucking you, not a hint of exhaustion in sight. So much so that when he's finally done with you, your body slips into a sleep coma that lasted late into the afternoon of the following day.
After you wake up sore in every inch of your body, you can't help but feel like this man has ruined you for anyone that's not him.

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